Collecting & reporting waste BVPIs through WasteDataFlow User Group (England) 5 th June 2006
Outline Background System changes –New questions –New reports –New guidance Overview of calculation method Timing Points for discussion
Background Defra, DCLG & the Audit Commission discussed & agreed to the principle of WDF being used for BVPIs 2006/7 onwards BVPIs 82a-d, 84, 86, 87, 91a,b in scope Calculation to be done within system; methodology being finalised with UG. Discussions on-going with AC. Aim: minimum system changes, maximum benefit to all =>WDF as ‘one-stop-shop’.
Proposed question changes Refined Question 18 to enable voluntary separate reporting of hh and non-hh recycled tonnages (for 82a and 82b). New optional question 69 for reporting hh tonnages to landfill and energy recovery (for 82c and 82d)
New BVPI report Excel based; can be run for each quarterly return. Will include all BVPIs, and show WCAs for WDAs. An example…
New Guidance Will explain which questions (or parts of) are used in BVPI calculations, the calculation methodology, the new questions and reporting.
Overview of calculation method 84: total hh waste = collected for recycling (10, 12, 16, 17, 18hh, 33, 34), excl. rubble & reuse, plus residual from households in Q23. For WDAs includes WCAs recycling, and Q14 WDA recycling. Also forms denominator for a,b; tonnages sent for recycling/composting (net of rejects) from Q10, 12, 16, 17, 18 (hh only), 33, 34, excludes rubble & reuse. Minus MRF rejects (% due to hh). Minus Q19 rejects (% due to hh).
Overview of calculation method… 82c; [inputs to Q54 and Q57 plus RDF produced in Q56 plus diverted for energy recovery from other routes (59, 64, 65) minus diverted for recycling from Q57]* %hh waste for energy recovery (69) plus recycling rejects to energy recovery. 82d; [inputs to landfill, 51, 52, 53, plus diverted for landfill from other routes (56, 59, 60, 64, 65)]*%hh waste for landfill (69) plus recycling rejects to landfill.
Overview of calculation method… 84a – total hh waste/population from Q1, (to be updated) 86; net total collection cost Q31. No. hh in Q2. 87; net total disposal cost Q32. Total MSW=all Q23 plus all recycling tonnages (including WCAs for WDAs) 91a; at least one recyclable – total of Q7 91b; at least two recyclables – from Q7 (sum of 2, 3, 4+).
Timing Question changes for 2006/7, plan disseminated soon, implemented from July New guidance; early July BVPI excel report; from July 2006 Annual submission to Audit Commission next year – probably through upload to EDC. Work on-going with AC. Auditing & WDF validation will be complementary. Auditors will have access to WDF.
Discussion Points Comments on calculation methodology or report? How does PI reporting currently work within your authority and how will WDF fit within this process? Any other points?