1 Data quality and veto studies for the S4 burst search: Where do we stand? Alessandra Di Credico Syracuse University LSC Meeting, Ann Arbor (UM) June 5, 2005
2 What happened since the March LSC Require the coincidence of H1 and H2 lock segments in order to perform Data Quality (DQ) /glitch study (cross talk of the instruments during single IFO operation) Safety analysis of all KleineWelle (KW) channels: mostly OK but with conditions applied (to trigger significance, AUX/ASQ ratios) DQ investigations on seismic/acoustic environmental channels and follow-up on their coincidence with KW triggers Investigation of auxiliary channels related to a particular detector’s misbehavior: “light-dip” effect Dust monitors study vs KW single counts (DQ/veto work of relevance and in progress) Undertake the coincidence of H1 and H2 triggers for a separate DQ and glitch studies (couplings of PEM channels is more pronounced) LIGO Event Display took off the ground Event-by-event scanning of KW triple coincidence events from S4 BlockNormal channel-by-channel investigations
3 Interferometric channels in all LIGO detectors H1, H2, L1: strain-recording: LSC-AS_Q LSC-DARM_ERR auxiliary: LSC-AS_AS_I LSC-AS_AC LSC-PRC_CTRL LSC-MICH_CTRL LSC-POB_I LSC-POB_Q LSC-REFL_Q LSC-SPOB_I ASC-WFS1QP ASC-WFS2QP ASC-WFS3IP ASC-WFS4IP SUS-ETMX_OPLEV SUS-ETMY_OPLEV SUS-BS_OPLEV Environmental channels: H0:PEM-BSC1_MAG1X H0:PEM-BSC5_MAGX H0:PEM-BSC5_MIC H0:PEM-BSC6_MAGX H0:PEM-BSC6_MIC H0:PEM-BSC9_MIC H0:PEM-BSC10_MAGY H0:PEM-BSC10_MIC H0:PEM-ISCT1_MIC H0:PEM-ISCT4_MIC H0:PEM-ISCT10_MIC H0:PEM-LVEA_MAGX H0:PEM-LVEA_MIC H0:PEM-RADIO_LVEA L0:PEM-EX_MAGX L0:PEM-ISCT1_MIC L0:PEM-ISCT4_MIC L0:PEM-LVEA_MIC L0:PEM-RADIO_LVEA KleineWelle for glitch studies in S4 »KleineWelle was run on a number of IFO and PEM channels during the S4 run »Near real-time statistics and diagnostics remain a good point of departure in order to get the day-by-day picture – ~lindy/s4/reporthttp://lancelot.mit.edu/ ~lindy/s4/report – ~kats/daily.htmlhttp://lancelot.mit.edu/ ~kats/daily.html
4 Our GW trigger pool: global picture KleineWelle analyzed in near real-time 97% of the sec (~21 days) of common H1- H2 lock acquisition In L1, >99% of the sec (~21.7 days) were analyzed Triple coincidence (H1- H2-L1) observation was sec (~16.5 days)
5 Data quality studies - SEISMIC Extensive work done by Fred Raab and Justin Garofoli. Examined all seismic channels looking for correlations with up-conversion events in the GW channel ( Hz). Selected 4 interesting channels for LHO (LLO). Among those H0:PEM-LVEA_SEISX(Y) are the most interesting in terms of vetoing efficiency for KW triggers. These seismic events could be correlated with ADC overflows and with transient dips in the stored light in the arm cavity, as measured by the ASC-QPDX_DC and ASC-QPDY_DC channels (Peter Shawhan)
6 Data quality studies - ACOUSTIC Examined all microphone channels in the frequency band Hz ( at LLO) Minute trends recorded by PSLmon and a list of minutes with elevated noise stored in files, together with the corresponding average amplitude (John Zweizig) Correlation of these flags with KW triggers not really strong. Example of best case: H0-PEM- BSC9 »(H1 single) Efficiency of 2.3% (success ratio = 34.1%), dead-time of 1.12% »(H1 coinc) Efficiency ~2 times higher
7 Data quality studies - DUST
8 S4 vetoes Full analysis results available at : Relevant preliminary results (auxiliary channels which present a high efficiency in vetoing both single IFO and coincident events) : »H1 – AS_I, AS_AC. PRC_CTRL, POB_I, POB_Q, MICH_CTRL, WFS1_QP »H2 – AS_I, WFS1_QP, WFS2_QP, WFS2_IP, MICH_CTRL, POB_I, PRC_CTRL »L1 – AS_I, PRC_CTRL, POB_I, WFS1_QP, AS_AC
9 Action items on the burst group’s data quality and veto studies front Repeat KW production – software review reveal a rather minor bug in significance calculation Investigate oddities Finalize dust veto/DQ Repeat veto analysis with safety conditions applied Find intersection, union (“OR”) of channels Decide where we draw the line for selecting vetoes (aka threshold, FOMs…) Repeat glitch analysis for WaveBurst time-lagged triggers Undertake high-frequency glitch studies for high frequency S4 search Undertake quantifying frequency dependence of vetoes Compare notes with BlockNormal findings