Andrea Hill Chief Executive Suffolk County Council March 2009
Transforming Suffolk Community Strategy A prosperous and vibrant economy Learning and skills for the future Safe, healthy and inclusive communities The greenest county To be the county with the greatest reduction in carbon emissions. By 2025, Suffolk aims to achieve a 60% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, relative to the 2004 baseline. ” “
From ambition to delivery creating the golden thread and unlocking partners’ enthusiasm The national targets Reduce carbon emissions Adapt to climate change Reduce waste to landfill
A low-carbon county council
Our challenges Protecting and enhancing our environment Climate adaptation managing the change Climate mitigation reducing the impact
Celebrating early wins and recognising champions Creating the greenest county awards lunch 2009
Case study one OrbisEnergy a key plank in making Lowestoft the national centre for renewable energy
Case study two Actions speak louder than words. Alternative fuel, creating new economic markets and promoting biodiversity First.. Then.. Finally..
Case study three Recycling and social enterprise: a win-win solution
Case study four Protecting and improving our landscape
Our first year
A proud Leader Council Leader Jeremy Pembroke promotes the campaign to the public
A high-profile launch John Gummer MP chaired the launch of the initiative in October 2007
Our plan Reduce CO 2 emissions by 60% by 2025
Creating the Greenest County partner University Campus Suffolk achieved BREEAM excellent
Creating the Greenest County partner Adnams overall winner of the Carbon Trust Innovation awards
Don’t be a tosser Suffolk’s annual Spring clean up campaign
Suffolk - a low carbon tourist location
Tackling fuel poverty Energy monitors (available to borrow from local libraries) monitor usage and help people reduce bills
Supporting groups to reduce landfill waste In 2008, we funded 10 groups with £180,000 to reduce and reuse waste
Winner of National Energy Efficiency Awards Beaumont School
Children leading the eco-school initiative 145 eco-schools and rising! Pupils decide what themes to look at and how they’ll be environmental
Beacon status for recycling and composting Currently a top-quartile performer, with recycling and composting levels nearly at 50%
Packasaurus Ex (2m high, 3m long) The last remaining dinosaur made from packaging, raising awareness about excess packaging
Investing £25m in transport in Ipswich Sustainable transport vision freight onto railways, improved cycling routes and reduced village traffic
Promoting the project to the people A dedicated Creating the Greenest County marquee at the Suffolk Show Thousands of visitors!
Green Suffolk Fund success - Wenhaston Suffolk communities helped to become ‘greener’ for example, by refurbishing local facilities in a green way
Green Suffolk Fund success - Sproughton Suffolk communities helped to become ‘greener’ in this case, by insulating a 7 th Century community hall
Creating the Greenest County Winners An excellent school travel plan
Creating the Greenest County Winners British Telecom for their new travel plan
What next…?
To find out more
Economic recovery a green business agenda
Making Change Happen
Remember….. …Together we can change the world