WASTE TO ENERGY Amanda, Maraya, Tanner
History The first Waste to Energy producer was made over 25 years ago By the 1990’s, about 15% of American waste was being combusted.
HOW IT WORKS ˚ They burn the garbage they collect at 250 ˚C. The gas produced is sent to a steam-powered turbine, that turns the gas into energy The left over gas is cleaned and purified, then sent out the chimney as water vapour
PROS The majority of waste that would normally go into landfill sites can be re-used. The fuel is obtainable cheaply. There will always be a reliable source of fuel as people will always have waste. Reduces need for landfills by up to 90% Reduces Greenhouse Gas from landfills Removes bulky wood and plastic from landfills
CONS People is still unconvinced that emissions from waste-to-energy plants are clean and free from harmful chemicals. Waste-to-energy facilities are expensive to construct. May require decontamination first to ensure safe reusability. May increase risk to public.
PLANTS Spokane regional solid waste system, Washington State, USA. Burnaby Waste-to-Energy Facility, Metro Vancouver, Canada Algonquin Power, Brampton, Ontario, Canada Edmonton Waste-to-ethanol Facility, initially scheduled for completion in 2010, now expected operational in 2013; Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
COST Developers of waste to energy facilities will be paid 0.65 Yuan (10 U.S. cents) per kWh for the power they produce. According to Wikipedia, costs for waste to energy facilities are very high. It is still to be known if the prices are going to rise or drop.
SOURCES ages/WastetoEnergyFacility.aspx RECOVER/Pages/default.aspx