Russia and its neighbours Territory – 16,9 mln. km 2 Population - 147,5 mln. people
Growth of Russian economy: key figures and facts in 2005 (as compared to 2004) GDP and industrial production growth: + 6,4 % and +4,1 % Investments in capital assets + 11 % Real disposable incomes of population +13 % Inflation rate 10,9 % In 2006 the GDP growth is expected to amount 5,8 % Privatization program: 1500 state-owned enterprises were sold last year were sold last year
Dynamics of household consumption (in constant prices) in Russia and other G8 countries
GDP growth in Russia and in other G8 countries, GDP growth in Russia and in other G8 countries,
2006 Federal budge t GDP in US $ 800 bln. GDP in US $ 800 bln. GDP growth - 5,8% GDP growth - 5,8% Inflation rate ,5% Inflation rate ,5% Price of oil (per barrel) - US $ 40. Price of oil (per barrel) - US $ 40. total revenue - US $ 168 bln. total revenue - US $ 168 bln. total expenditure - US $ 142,3 bln. total expenditure - US $ 142,3 bln. proficit - 3,2% GDP proficit - 3,2% GDP
2006 Federal budge t growth of health care growth of health care expenditure compared expenditure compared to % to % growth of public education growth of public education expenditure compared expenditure compared to % to % Investment fund - US $ 2 bln. Investment fund - US $ 2 bln.
Goals of budgetary policy ensuring macroeconomic stability ensuring macroeconomic stability reducing taxes reducing taxes promoting federal investment programs promoting federal investment programs strengthening the human capital strengthening the human capital
Gold and foreign currency reserves of Russia, , US $ bln.
Gold and foreign currency reserves of Russia: forecast for the years , US $ bln.
Stabilization Fund of the Russian Government, , US $ bln.
Economic and legislative reforms in Russia Less regulatory burdens: Less regulatory burdens: administrative reform administrative reform tax system modernization tax system modernization improvement of the banking regulation improvement of the banking regulation development of the innovation policy development of the innovation policy More legal protection and support for: More legal protection and support for: forest and water resources forest and water resources state procurement state procurement fair competition fair competition innovation (new Law on Special Economic Zones) innovation (new Law on Special Economic Zones)