Urban Morphology Three Colonial Cities
Plan Influences - New England Organic: “unplanned,” develops over time in response to functional needs of community, influenced by topography Bastide: European new towns; egalitarian assignment of land; orthogonal plan
Plan Influences – Mid-Atlantic Speculator’s Model – grid-plan (London’s West End with square) London Rebuilt (City of London)
Leicester Square
Philadelphia’s Elfreth’s Alley
Southern Economy Agriculturally based plantations Weak town system
Southern Colonies -- Annapolis
Southern Plan Influences English Renaissance in America (Georgian Style) Grand lay-out: circles & squares Town served social & political functions
State House
Grand Residences
Shiplap House
City Docks
Three Models in Colonial America Organic, functional [Boston] American Grid – Land Speculator’s Model [Philadelphia] English Renaissance [Annapolis]