Wait Just A Minute Officer You are a lawyer for a prestigious law firm and it is your job to determine which cases your firm should represent.
To Carry Id or Not to Carry ID! A young man who works nights and jogs when he gets home is stopped by police officers on patrol. Lights flashing and spotlights shining, the officers get out and confront him, demanding to know his name, to see his identification, and to know if he had any weapons. When he stated that he did not have his ID with him, and that since he did nothing wrong he did not have to give his name, he was quickly arrested.
I Said What?! Two college professors are eating at well known restaurant discussing the state of political and police affairs in their city. Suddenly two police officers ask to speak to them outside. They comply and are then informed by the officers that they do not have the right to criticize the city government or the police department. Both professors protest that they have the right to do so under the 8 th amendment. Are the professors right? Do they have the right to openly criticize government while they eat their dinner?
Your in The Army Now The rising costs to maintain a large military e has forced the United States Army to take drastic measures. It has announced that for now on two soldiers and a tank must be stationed in every fourth house in the city of Corpus Christi, Texas. Are any amendments being violated? If so which one.
Me and My Big Mouth A young man was appearing before a judge for the first time on charges of shop lifting. The judge informed him that he was going to have to wait for five years before his court date and that he would not get a chance at a jury trial. “In fact, your fine looks like it will be around $100,000,” stated the judge. When questioned about the fine, the judge ordered the police officers to lock the young man upside down in a room with no lights, food, water, or bed for a couple of weeks! Are any amendments being violated? If they are explain how they are being abused.