A Review of Labeling and Certification Third Meeting of GEO Task ST-09-02: GEOSS Citation Standard - Open Meeting Salzburg, Austria. 15th Sep 2011 by Bente Lilja Bye and Hans-Peter Plag BLB Egida/ST-09-02
A Review of Labeling and Certification Concepts Content Organization Legal Finance BLB Egida/ST-09-02
What is a label? Labeling Certification Economic motivated Regulations Compliance Verification Accreditation BLB Egida/ST-09-02
Contents of a label Topic specific sets of criteria Institution – national – regional - global BLB Egida/ST quality identify promote economy efficiency regulations security performance trust
How is labeling organized? Public Private Foundations National-regional-international Member organizations BLB Egida/ST-09-02
How is labeling organized? BLB Egida/ST EU Ecolabel Board Competent bodies Consultation Forum Global Ecolabel Network
How is labeling organized? BLB Egida/ST Energy Star EPA US Department of Energy Continuous development Expanding sets of products Non-volunteer certification
How is labeling organized? BLB Egida/ST LEED Member organization US Green Building Council Foundation Organization Leed steering committee Implementation advisory committee Market advisory committee Technical committee Administrative-management committee Technical advisory committee Rating system committee
Finance of labeling Income: Annual fee Registration fee Compliance tests BLB Egida/ST-09-02