POWERGRID Welcomes Hon’able Members of “Standing Committee on Energy”
POWERGRID – An Overview It started its operation from Central Transmission Utility & National and Regional Grid Operator Operating around 50,000 circuit kms of EHV transmission lines with 82 nos of EHVAC & HVDC sub-stations having transformation capacity of about 47,000 MVA Such a system carry more than 40% of total power generated. System availability around 99.5%
POWERGRID; Perspective Plan Creation of National Grid and enhancing inter-regional transfer capacity from the present level of 9,000 MW to 30,000 MW by 20129,000 MW 30,000 MW by 2012 Investment Required by 2012 : Rs. 71,000 Crores By POWERGRID : Rs. 51,000 Crore By Pvt. Investors : Rs.20,000 Crores Investment to take care of evacuation of Central Sector Share of generation addition of 100,000 MW planned till Creation of National Grid of 30,000 MW Capacity will lead to reduction in Capacity addition of 13,000MW i.e. saving of Rs. 50,000 Crore in investments besides fuel cost saving.
R&D and Technology Development in POWERGRID HVDC & EHVAC Transmission System upto 800 kV with multi Ckts. HVDC & EHVAC Transmission System upto 800 kV with multi Ckts. Use of fixed & variable Series Compensator (FACTS) Extra High Towers to avoid deforestation and protection of wild life Extra High Towers to avoid deforestation and protection of wild life Compact Towers to reduce Right Of Way Compact Towers to reduce Right Of Way High Temperature Conductors for increased Loading Automation of Sub-stations. Automation of Sub-stations. Compact S/stn to reduce land requirement. Satellite imagery for Transmission Line Survey. Satellite imagery for Transmission Line Survey.
Consultant for Transmission, telecom and Load Despatch System Major Consultancy Assignments Vishnu-Prayag transmission system of UPPCL Transmission line survey in Afghanistan Optical fibre network for Bhutan Telecom & National Load Despatch Centre in Bhutan Execution of transmission line from Srinagar to Leh via Drass, kargil etc.. Facilitating Distribution Sector Reforms as Advisor-cum- Consultant in 105 circles under GOI’s APDRP Scheme. Strengthening of Transmission, Sub-transmission & Distribution system in UP, Bihar & Goa & Meghalaya. Rural Electrification of villages of Bihar POWERGRID beyond Transmission POWERGRID beyond Transmission
POWERGRID & Grid Management Modernisation of Regional Load Despatch Centres (RLDC) / State Load Despatch Centres (SLDC) by POWERGRID Implementing State of the Art Unified Load Despatch & Communication (ULDC) Schemes for overall improvement Manpower Manning of RLDC by Senior personnel Training of RLDC & SLDC personnel on regular basis Procedures GRID CODE Availability Based Tariff All these resulted into: Significant improvement in System Parameters Merit Order Operation, Leading to Overall Economy Improved grid performance Improved grid performance Increased intra and inter-regional Power Exchange and Trading
Philanthropic Approach of POWERGRID POWERGRID developed and implemented “Environment and Social Policy and Procedure (ESPP)” document in wide consultation with Public, Environmentalists, NGOs and Multilateral Funding Agencies; the only Power Sector Utility to do so In Talcher Project, too, implementation of Environment and people friendly Social Policy and Procedures Minimization of forest stretch – only 20 Km in 1,400 Km Electrification of villages under rural electrification programme Electrification of more than 30,000 villages is the states of U.P., Bihar & West Bengal Modernising power supply system in the institutions like BHU, IIT Kharagpur on no profit no loss basis Improved power supply as well as training centre for modern supply system Consultations with public in villages Consultations with public in villages Development of villages Development of villages
Important Features Talcher II (2000 MW) Generation Project : First inter-regional project for transfer of total power from Eastern to Southern Region Transmission System 2000 MW, (+/-) 500 KV, High Voltage Direct current (HVDC) bipole line from Talcher to Kolar; Longest HVDC link in Asia (more than 1400 Km.) About 750 Circuit Kms. of Alternating Current (AC) transmission lines for dispersal of power beyond Kolar Transmission Project Cost & Commissioning Approved Actual Project Cost 3865 Crore 3100 Crore Commissioning 42 months 33 months Schedule
Unique Features of the Project Vast Transmission System Total steel used : 90,000 MT Total conductor used : 16,000 Kms. State of the Art HVDC terminals for conversion from AC to DC Software based controls, protection and Man-Machine Interface System Design and execution very challenging due to various rivers crossing enroute (Mahanadi, Vamsadhara, Godavari, Krishna and Pennar)
Important Features Project conceived with Debt : equity ratio of 80:20 Rs. In Crore A.Equity 772 B. Debt3093 TOTAL (A + B)3865 World Bank loan was considered for AC portion only as per available resources Supplier’s Credit considered for HVDC portion
OverviewOverview Investment approval took 33 months; Feasibility Report submitted in July 1997 Investment approval obtained in January 2000 Less time left for execution To minimize project implementation cycle, pre-execution activities undertaken in parallel with investment approval WorldBank loan tied up in April’ 98 for AC portion Bids were invited and processed based on World Bank funding. Bidders entitled to Deemed Export Benefits under WB fundingDeemed Export Benefits
OverviewOverview Funds tie up with World Bank held up due to economic sanctions Funding constraint had the potential to delay the project. Innovative approach to proceed with procurement process was adopted: by seeking special dispensation in Dec.’98 from Govt. of India for availing Deemed Export Benefits seeking approval of World Bank for retroactive funding
Surmounting Challenges In July 1999, GoI granted a special dispensation after persistent follow up Clearance was obtained from WB for retroactive financing at a later date and meanwhile, Rs. 675 Crore also raised through domestic sources in lieu of World Bank Loan Rs 1,000 Crore of Suppliers credit raised for HVDC portion without sovereign guarantee or any back up guarantee mainly on POWERGRID’s own financial strength
ChallengesChallenges Execution time of the project got reduced from 48 months to 42 months to match with generation Time Schedule was tight considering the size of the project Mid-way during the execution, NTPC advanced the commissioning of its first 500 MW unit putting tremendous pressure on POWERGRID Acute Right of Way Problems considering the spread over a vast expanse of about 2000 km Acute Right of Way Problems considering the spread over a vast expanse of about 2000 km Difficult Terrain and Varied Soil Conditions Challenging Law and Order Situation Need to evacuate surplus power from ER to energy deficit SR.
Surmounting Challenges Extra-Ordinary Measures Undertaken for timely execution of project Unique Project Definition Manual developed Standardized foundations and tower designs : saved months Standardized bidding document and Systems & Procedures Contracts awarded within months from the date of project approval by GoI Inspite of all the constraints right from the inception of the project, POWERGRID completed the project 9 months ahead of schedule and at a cost lesser by Rs. 700 cr.
BenefitsBenefits Project commenced operation before generation project and surplus power of about 1500 MUs alone could be transferred prior to generation project Total of about 12,000 MUs transferred from ER to SR from September, 2002 to September, About 5000 MUs of surplus power Balance 7000 MUS from Talcher II Project Significant improvement in grid performance in SR Grid frequency improved from Hz to Hz Substantial improvement in voltage level (typically Bangalore) Loss Reduction in SR ; Benefit Rs 290 Crore Saving of Rs Crore to SR on account of availing surplus power, thus postponing immediate investment ER benefited on account of reduction in fixed charges of generation
Southern Region Constituent States –Andhra Pradesh –Karnataka –Kerala –Tamil Nadu –UT of Pondicherry
Power Supply Scenario - Present Installed Generation Capacity MW Peak Demand –Unrestricted21719MW –Actually Met20483MW –Peak Deficit (-)1236 MW Energy Requirement –Unrestricted11478MU –Energy Availability11202MU –Energy Deficit(-) 276 MU As of July, 04
POWERGRID Transmission System in SR - Present Transmission Lines 400 kV and above Ckt Kms EHV Sub-stations-22 Nos. Total transformation capacity MVA Interconnection with neighboring regions Eastern Region 2000 MW HVDC Talcher – Kolar bipole 500 MW HVDC Back-to-Back station at Gazuwaka Western Region 1000 MW HVDC Back-to-Back station at Chandrapur
On-Going and Planned TR. Schemes of POWERGRID Transmission Lines 400 kV Ckt Kms EHV Sub-stations -13 nos. Total transformation capacity MVA Inter-Regional Capacity Eastern Region Augmentation of capacity of Gazuwaka HVDC back-to-back link Estimated Cost Crs
POWERGRID’s Network in Tamil Nadu - Existing 400 kV Transmission Lines ckt.kms 400/220 kV substations - 6 nos. 400/220 kV Transformation – 2520 MVA Capacity Major Load centers being fed through POWERGRID’s transmission network –Sriperumbudur –Trichy –Madurai –Salem –Udumalpet –Hosur
400 kV Transmission Lines-3040 ckt.kms 400/220 kV substations-5 nos. 400/220 kV Transformation Capacity – 3150 MVA Estimated Cost -Rs Crs Transmission network augmentation aims at –Improving power supply to Chennai area through new 400/220 kV substation at Malekottaiyur and completion of 400 kV “Ring” around Chennai –Providing reliable supply to upcoming load centers at Pugalur, Coimbatoor, Karaikudi, Tirunelveli –Strengthening of Tr. Grid in Tamil Nadu POWERGRID’s Network in Tamil Nadu by
Thank You …
Development of National Grid
National Grid by 2012
9-25mtrs. 50mtrs
ROW = 85 Mts ROW = 64 Mts Proposed 400 kV Compact Single pole tower at Delhi & Noida
Proposed Compact Single pole tower Mode :Noida
Remote Operation Of Bhiwadi S/S Switchyard,Bhiwadi Control Room, Ballabhgarh Control Room,Bhiwadi
Transmission Line Survey through GIS
FOREST CROSSING Just 20 KMs in 1400 KMs through forest area… 12
750 Ckt. Km. of associated HVAC Lines…
Frequency ProfileFrequency Profile of SR 2002, 2003 & 2004
Deemed Export Benefits POWERGRID has to issue Project Authority certificates (PAC) to the contractors, which entitles them to the following Deemed export benefits : Special import 60% of the FOR value Deemed export duty draw back facility Special imprest license / advance intermediate license Refund of terminal excise duty
Existing Transmission Network
New Transmission Schemes In SR