Mrs. McGee Room 34
BYOTBYOT Permission slip is in purple folder along with direction on how to register a device!
Back to School Night 2015
Classroom Expectations This year we will be focusing on building important life skills such as working hard and participating. I’ll be using ClassDojo to give students feedback on these skills :)
Why use ClassDojo? ClassDojo is a easy way to see your child’s progress of these skills and also behaviors.
Access Code Individualized for each child Make sure your child’s name is on the top of the paper Class Dojo app
Get out those phones :) Download the app Sign up as a parentEnter your code!
Let’s try it out I’ll send you a message now! Go ahead… send one back :)
How else can we work together? I hope that you find this tool, helpful in communicating your child’s expectations and behaviors.
I’m always here to help if you need anything, as well as the ClassDojo team who can be reached at :)
Behavior Positive reinforcement (Tickets/ Money/DOJO) Logical Consequences for poor choices which includes a chat with teacher to discuss behavior improvements
Language Arts Reading Workshop –Focus on –Reading Information text –Reading Literature (fiction, myths, poem,) Writing Workshop –Narratives –Informational - Persuasive Writing Word Work/ Spelling/ Vocab
Math Problem Solvers Collaborative learning / conversations Evidence / proof of your answer Addition and Subtraction Facts Multiplication Facts
Science/ Social Studies/Health Plants Earth Moon and Sun relations ship Human Body Systems Magnets and Electricity Time Magazine Community
3ring binder Folder: CVE folder (papers from office and other papers they need to keep at home Folder: HW folder Spelling list back clear sleeve Planner
Homework to 20 minutes nightly reading (reading log students earn points which can be cashed in for money) Promoting Reading VideoPromoting Reading Video RAZ kids 2. Practice Facts (math facts log) 3. Math Page (See Planner for lesson covered that day) 4. Spelling (word study notebook) 3 activities by Friday
Conferences Sign up before you leave
Snack Whole Class Individual Packaged Peanut Free
Book order Usually once a month You can order on-line or filling out the paper
Communication Paperless Video Website E mail Quick Updates throughout the month which are ed Classroom Dojo
Supplies Expo Markers Pencils Kleenex Clorax wipes
Dismissal Slips ? Drivers License must be shown when picking up your child
Snack Please follow the SVSD snack guideline/policy Saltine Crackers Individual wrapped from the approved list No Snacks allowed for brithdays
Olweus School Wide Bully policy Bully Meeting Once a week Journal
Party Volunteers must have Clearances, yes even for parties and field trips Fall Winter Valentines Day 4 helpers per party
Birthday Pencils Eraser Expo markers No FOOD *no invitations to classroom parties can be sent home from school.
Who inspires you to be Awesome… PEP TAlk PEP TAlk What can you do to make the world a better place!
Thank You for coming! After the movie you may leave!