WELCOME! Public Informational Meeting December 1, pm Town of New Hartford Southern Area – Urban Design Plan & GEIS Preliminary Impacts
Presentation Urban Design Plan – 3 Alternatives Presentation of Anticipated Impacts & Mitigative Measures At Full Build-out At Year 2030 (20+ year forecast) Town of New Hartford Public Informational Meeting December 1, 2007 Today’s Meeting Agenda:
Conceptual urban design for continued growth….
Conceptual roadways & circulation pattern….
urban design plan
Conceptual roadway grid pattern
WASHINGTON MILLS and CHADWICKS… Conceptual growth plans
urban design plan Washington Mills Hamlet Center Concept
urban design plan
Proposed Alternatives for Continued Development of Southern Area Alternative 1 – Continued development following current conditions and zoning Allows for large-size plots for single-family dwellings Does not promote density in hamlets Alternative 2 – Development following Urban Design Plan Allows for full build-out of southern area at ratio of 3 units/acre Does not promote density in hamlets, necessarily Alternative 3 Development following Urban Design Plan Restricted to within Urban Growth Boundary with ratio of 3 units/acre Promotes density in hamlets & diversified housing types within hamlets Town of New Hartford Public Informational Meeting December 1, 2007
GEIS elements Town of New Hartford Public Informational Meeting December 1, 2007 IMPACTS… are divided into 2 major categories : Environmental Quality TrafficEconomy Community Character - Land Use Infrastructure – stormwater/sanitary sewer capacity Housing
GEIS elements Town of New Hartford Public Informational Meeting December 1, 2007 …and Natural Environment Aquatic & Animal HabitatsCommunity Services Water Quality & Supply Open Space & Wetlands Recreational Areas Soils & Vegetation
Traffic Impacts environmental quality alternative 1 AT FULL BUILD OUT…. trip generation of 2.6 times experienced today during the PM peak hour Translates to 8,979 trips total at full build-out Compared to an existing 3,500 trips that occur today Town of New Hartford Public Informational Meeting December 1, 2007
Traffic Impacts environmental quality alternative 2 AT FULL BUILD OUT…. trip generation of 3.4 times experienced today during the PM peak hour Translates to 11,863 trips total at full build-out Compared to an existing 3,500 trips that occur today Town of New Hartford Public Informational Meeting December 1, 2007
Traffic Impacts environmental quality alternative 3 AT FULL BUILD OUT….. trip generation of 2.7 times experienced today during the PM peak hour Translates to 9,545 trips total at full build-out Compared to an existing 3,500 trips that occur today Town of New Hartford Public Informational Meeting December 1, 2007
Alternative 1: Trip generation would increase by 1.4 times that which is occurring today Alternative 2: Trip generation would increase by 1.6 times that which is occurring today Alternative 3: Trip generation would increase by 1.4 times that which is occurring today Traffic Impacts environmental quality 20-year growth projection (Present – 2030)
How does this all equate to the existing transportation routes in New Hartford?
Existing Conditions & Alternatives 1 & 2
Community Character & Land Use Overall: Planned and coordinated growth = Better preservation of community character in hamlets and throughout GEIS area
Community Character & Land Use Alternative 1 Impacts: Traffic congestion… Development of agricultural land … Increases in impermeable land…
Community Character & Land Use Alternatives 2 & 3 Impacts … Similar to that of Alternative 1 … Controlled, planned, and coordinated urban design plan…
Infrastructure … Best way to show impacts to stormwater flow and sanitary sewer capacity is to refer back to the figure that shows Zone Areas for Build Out ….
ALTERNATIVE 1 Oneida Street Mohawk Street Neils Golf Road Snowden Hill
ALTERNATIVE 2 Roberts Road
ALTERNATIVE 3 Oneida Street Route 8 Mallory Road Oxford Road
Community Character Economy Housing Development will support existing businesses in Hamlets of Washington Mills & Chadwicks under Alt 3 Community character will remain as quaint hamlets under Alt 3 while allowing coordinated development with necessary mitigation measures Multi-family units will be available choices, not just single-family units, primarily in hamlets
GEIS elements Town of New Hartford Public Informational Meeting December 1, 2007 Natural Environment Impacts Aquatic & Animal HabitatsCommunity Services Water Quality & Supply Open Space & Wetlands Recreational Areas Soils & Vegetation
Aquatic & Animal Habitats GEIS elements Nesting and breeding grounds will be temporarily disrupted Grange Hill to Paris Hill Road has pockets of densely wooded, heavily vegetated areas Topography in the West portion of Zone Build- out area is steep, heavily wooded, and habitable for animals Town of New Hartford Public Informational Meeting December 1, 2007
Water Quality & Supply GEIS elements and Wetlands Groundwater wells water quality is relatively poor with elevated hardness, iron, and sulfate; continued development would not change water quality, however not having good and/or adequate water supply would be a deterrent to development Adequate water in bedrock NOT AVAILABLE in SW & SE areas of the Southern area of New Hartford/Zone Areas for Build-out Homes and businesses located along Tibbitts, Snowden Hill, Grange Hill, Red Hill, Neals Gulf, and Butler Roads are outside of any Town water district and are served by private residential water wells ; further development would stress groundwater resources Wetlands are NOT impacted following Urban Design Plan, however COULD be impacted if development continues under current conditions
Open Space & Recreation GEIS elements ALTERNATIVES 1 and 2: Open space and agricultural lands in the entire GEIS Study Area, including NE, SE, and West areas. Soils designated for agricultural use and areas where the topography restrict development due to slope, exist primarily in the NE and SE areas & some of West area. ALTERNATIVE 3: Does not impact areas where the soils are best for agricultural use; most of the urban growth boundary is in areas akin to development, i.e. topography is fairly level and development is already present
Visual Impacts GEIS elements
Now it’s your turn… Questions? Concerns? Ideas?