THE FIRST AMERICANS. Native Americans. Traditionally, Native Americans are believed to have descended from northeast Asia, arriving over a land bridge between Siberia and Alaska some 12,000 years ago and then migrating across North and South America.
European Exploration Travel over seas( on boats) Reasons why they explored to find sea routes to the spices of asia To find silver,gold,and precious sontes To expand their knowledge of the world To control a larger empire To expand christianity And to find animal furs To find a sea route to the spices of AsiaTo find a sea route to the spices of Asia To find gold, silver, and precious stonesTo find gold, silver, and precious stones To expand their knowledge of the worldTo expand their knowledge of the world To control a larger empireTo control a larger empire To expand ChristianityTo expand Christianity To find animal fursTo find animal furs To find a sea route to the spices of AsiaTo find a sea route to the spices of Asia To find gold, silver, and precious stonesTo find gold, silver, and precious stones To expand their knowledge of the worldTo expand their knowledge of the world To control a larger empireTo control a larger empire To expand ChristianityTo expand Christianity To find animal fursTo find animal furs To find a sea route to the spices of AsiaTo find a sea route to the spices of Asia To find gold, silver, and precious stonesTo find gold, silver, and precious stones To expand their knowledge of the worldTo expand their knowledge of the world To control a larger empireTo control a larger empire To expand ChristianityTo expand Christianity To find animal fursTo find animal furs
European Impact By the 1500s Europeans were coming up with advanced technology that allowed them to travel faster and with greater ease. They were building faster ships and were becoming better navigators, allowing them to go on more daring journeys and expeditions. They were also becoming more interested in learning what the rest of the world was like, whole "New" world!
Colonization Colonization occurs whenever any one or more species populate an area. Colonization refers strictly to migration, for example, to settle, trading post, & plantations
FRENCH & INDIAN WAR The French and Indian War ( ) Is the name for the North American theater of the sevens years war. Fought primarily between Great Britain & New France, with both sides supported by military troops from Europe!
The path of independence During the mid 1700s, the colonist in America were beginning to became disgruntled by the British Government that ruled them in 1776, these colonist would ask for independence.
Founding Fathers Two major fathers George Washington Thomas Jefferson Washington was a member of the Continental Congress who established the need to write and send the Declaration of Independence. He was involved in the planning of the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson's role was to write mostly all of the declaration of independence
The American Revolution The American Revolution was the political upheaval during the last half of the 18 th century in which thirteen colonies in north America joined together to break free from the British empire, combining to become the united states of america.
After Independence
Growth of America World population continues to increase. With current world population now over 6 billion people, there is significant pressure for excess population to migrate from more densely populated countries to those less populated.
More growth in America Americans settled in the Oregon country claimed by both Britain and the united states. During mid 1800’s the U.S gained control of the Mexican lands and the southern part of the Oregon country. The gained control of Texas, California, and other western lands belonging to México.
The Civil War The American civil war was a civil war fought over the secession of the confederacy. In response to the election of an anti- slavery Republican as president, 11 southern slave states declared secession from the united states and formed the confederate states of America.
After the Civil War The 15 th amendment was ratified to protect the suffrage of freedmen after the American civil war. It prevented any state from denying the right to vote to any male citizen on account of his race.
World War I A major war centered in Europe that began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November It involved all the world’s great powers, which were assembled in two opposing alliances: the allies, and the central powers.
The great depression The great depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in the decade preceding world war II. It was the longest, most widespread depression of the 20 th century.
World War II A global war the was under way by 1939 and ended in it involved a vast majority of the world’s nations. Also fought between the allies & the axis. The bombing of pearl harbor brought U.S into the war.
The Cold War Two majors wars fought to prevent the spread of communism. The Vietnam war. The Korean war.
September 11 th and the War of Afghanistan Two planes crashed into the twin towers and killed a lot of people. Done by the Islamist group Al- Qaeda.
Vietnam War The Vietnam war was a long, costly armed conflict that pitted the communist regime (a mode or system of rule or government: a dictatorial regime. a ruling or prevailing system, a government in power, the period during which a particular government or ruling system is in power, of north Vietnam.
The War in Iraq Brutal dictator Saddam Hussein( united states Removed). Saddam Hussein Was tried in an Iraqi court of law and executed by the new Iraqi government.
Presidency of Barack Obama First African -American to become president. He became president in November, Born on august 4 th, 1961.was sworn in as a senator in the state of Illinois. born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. Graduated from Columbia university, and Harvard law school, where he was the president of the Harvard law review. He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He worked as a civil rights attorney in Chicago and taught constitutional law at the university of Chicago law school from 1992 to he served three times representing the 13 th District in Illinois senate from 1997 to 2004.
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