July 18, Glover Marietta, Georgia 1
Federally funded program which provides resources to schools, based on the poverty percent at that school. The goal is to provide high-quality education for every child, so the program provides extra help to students who need it the most. The Title I Program ‘supplements’ what the district is already providing to students. 2
Reading Language Arts Writing Mathematics Science Social Studies 3
School Budgets Each Title I school has their own budget That is determined by the Oct. FTE/Poverty Count times the Per Pupil Amount An annual budget meeting is scheduled that includes the school team of the bookkeeper and principal District Set Asides Flexible Learning Programs Neglected & Delinquent Private School Homeless Education Program Parent Involvement Professional Development 4
Targeted Assistance Programs & Schoolwide Programs 5
8 Targeted Assistance Components 18 Schoolwide Components 6
Required components as set forth in Section 1114of the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965 (ESEA) The three core elements of a schoolwide program are 1) the comprehensive needs assessment, 2) the comprehensive schoolwide plan, and 3) the annual review. A comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school addresses all academic areas and other factors that may affect achievement 7
1. Comprehensive Needs Assessment Participation of Individuals Instruments, Procedures, or Processes The Needs of Homeless, Neglected, and Migrant Children Current Achievement Data Information about All Students Data, Conclusions Measurable Goals/Benchmarks 8
2. Schoolwide Reform Strategies That Are Scientifically Researched Schoolwide Reform Strategies That Provide Opportunities For All Children 3. Instruction by Highly Qualified Professional Staff Strategies to Attract Highly Qualified Teachers 4. Professional Development For Staff Include Teachers, Principals, Paraprofessionals, and Other Staff Aligned Professional Development with the State’s Academic Content 9
5. Strategies to Increase Parental Involvement The Six Requirements to Build Parents’ Capacity (Handout) LEA Parent Involvement Policy Review Each parent receives an input form to use as a guide for reviewing the policy 6. Plans for Assisting Preschool Children in the Transition From Early Childhood Programs and/or Students Entering Middle School or High School 7. Measures to Include Teachers in the Decisions Regarding the Use of Assessment 10
8. Coordination and Integration of Federal, State, and Local Services and Programs List of State and Local Educational Agency Programs and Other Federal Programs that will be Included Description of How Resources from Title I and Other Sources will be Used Plan Developed in Coordination with Other Programs 9. Activities to Ensure that Students who Experience Difficulty Mastering Standards shall be Provided with Effective, Timely Assistance. 11
10. Description of how Individual Student Assessment Results will be Provided to Parents 11. Provisions for the Collection and Disaggregation of data 12. Provisions to Ensure the Disaggregated Assessment Results are Valid and Reliable 13. Provisions for Public Reporting of Disaggregated Data 14. Plan Developed During a One-Year Period 15. Plan Developed with the Involvement of the Community to be Served 16. Plan Available to the LEA, Parents, and the Public 17. Plan Translated *An Interpreter is provided today 18. Plan is Subject to the School Improvement Provisions of Section
Flexible Learning Programs are offered by Priority and Focus schools. Flexible Learning Programs are locally developed programs designed to increase the academic achievement of specific students. 13
Private Schools 14
Students who normally would attend a Title I school but has enrolled at a private school may be eligible for Title I support. The private school must first accept an invitation to work with the Title I Department to determine if funds are available for additional support. 15
If funds are available, support typically includes: Tutoring for at risk students Parent involvement activities Professional development opportunities 16
There are currently 3 private schools in Cobb County they receive Title I Support: St. Joseph’s St. Catherine’s Berean Junior Christian Academy 17
Neglected and Delinquent Facilities 18
Students that reside in neglected and delinquent (N&D) facilities are eligible for Title I support. Support for N&D students include: Tutoring: Tutoring generally occurs 3-4 times a week at the N&D facility. Tutoring will include homework assistance, as well as previewing and reviewing instructional lessons taught during the school day. This tutoring should directly support what the student is learning daily. Academic Materials: School supplies, access to technology 19
There are currently six facilities that receive Title I funds. These facilities and their student enrollments constantly change as students leave or are enrolled at the facilities. Facilities currently served: Calvary Another Chance Open Gate Haven Hearts Devereux The Ark 20
Parental involvement is defined as the participation of parents in regular, two- way, meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities The 1% reserved for parental involvement must be calculated on the basis of the LEA’s total Title I, Part A allocation. Parents are included in the development of written parental involvement policies/plans Title I Parent Action Team (T- PAT) District Wide Parent Symposiums Parents On Board Workshop Annual School Parent Liaison Training School Parent Resource Centers Computers for Parent Use 21
Coaches for Literacy Coaches for Mathematics Common Core Learning Camps Summer Science/Math READ 180 Program GIZMO / Science & Math E- folio Writing FASTT Math Fraction Nation 22
Constance Carter, Title I Supervisor Cobb County School District Title I Office Rose Garden Education Center 1870 Teasley Drive Smyrna, GA