MIGRATION FLOWS IN ESTONIA Comenius project „Rights make no differences: European Citizenship Education“ April 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

MIGRATION FLOWS IN ESTONIA Comenius project „Rights make no differences: European Citizenship Education“ April 2013

What is it?? Kinds of migration Problems Positives MIGRATION Motives To Estonia From Estonia

What is it?? Looking for work Starting a new life Moving to other places on a temporary basis Sharing your culture

Kinds of migration Village  city Country  Country City  Village Big house  flat

Positives Promoting your countryBringing new cultures together Improving the economy

Problems Immigrants do hard work Problems on cultural basis Unemployment

To Estonia Russia Finland Ukraine The migration quota in Estonia is 0.1% of the permanent population per year. At the moment the number is 1344.

From Estonia Finland Sweden Norway Russia the UK

Motives Searching for jobs Better place for living Escaping from troubles

“A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in.. And how many want out.” ― Tony BlairTony Blair