Faculty Orientation for Certified Evaluation SY13-14


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Presentation transcript:

Faculty Orientation for Certified Evaluation SY13-14 Michael Shanahan, Ed. D. Chief Human Resources Officer Note: Not the Special Education Teachers’ Orientation PP

Cobb Keys Classroom Teacher Evaluation System The Cobb Keys Classroom Teacher Evaluation Instrument is standards-based and adapted from the GaDOE CLASS Keys Classroom Teacher Evaluation Instrument. The focus of your instrument aligns with CCSD’s Strategic Plan and our local School Strategic Plan!

Cobb Keys Classroom Teacher Evaluation System CCSD’s Cobb Keys Evaluation System is built on four comprehensive Standards Curriculum & Planning Standards-Based Instruction Assessment of Student Learning Instructional Environment Our evaluation system addresses three immensely important questions… How does the teacher plan? How does the teacher teach? Are the teacher’s students learning?

Classroom Teacher Standards CCSD expects that each teacher will… …appropriately plan for what students are expected to know, understand, and be able to do…Standard 1: Curriculum & Planning (CP) Instructional planning often requires collaboration with grade level colleagues, curriculum specialists, and Special Education teachers. For the collaboration between general and special education to be possible, general education staff must provide special education staff with lesson plans and access to curriculum documents in a timely manner. In any collaborative model, BOTH regular and special education teachers will be responsible for supporting the collaboration.

Classroom Teacher Standards CCSD expects that each teacher will… …use research-based practices in the classroom, challenging all learners to achieve high levels of learning… Standard 2: Standards-Based Instruction (SBI) …use a balanced variety of assessment techniques that are systematically implemented… Standard 3: Assessment of Student Learning (AL) …create a safe, productive, collaborative, and inviting learning environment…Standard 4: Instructional Environment (IE)

Evaluation Process The Teacher’s evaluation process has five primary components: 1. Faculty Orientation 2. Pre-observation Conference, optional 3. Classroom Observation(s) – includes feedback conference(s) 4. Annual Evaluation – includes annual conference 5. If desired, Evaluation Appeal Let’s review each component… 6

Evaluation Process 1. The Faculty Orientation – This is it! 2. Evaluators may conduct an optional pre-observation conference with their evaluatees Evaluator may provide in a group setting Pre-observation conference is recommended but optional If a teacher requests it, a private conference must be provided 7

Evaluation Process 3. Classroom Observation(s) Preparing for an observation Review Cobb Keys Observation Form, Performance Rubric with Examples of Teacher Evidence, Guidelines and Instructions Request pre-observation conference, if desired Consult with grade level, department or subject area leadership, as needed

Evaluation Process 3. Classroom Observation(s) 18 Elements should be observed during the observation process Each Element is rated with a Yes, No, or NA, if applicable Curriculum & Planning (4 Elements) Standards-Based Instruction (6 Elements) Assessment of Student Learning (4 Elements) Instructional Environment (4 Elements) Personalized commentary will be written to specifically address any “No” ratings. Commentary should clearly address where the teacher is missing the target.

Evaluation Process 3. Classroom Observation(s) The Curriculum and Planning Standard is talking about Lesson/Unit Plans! The review and assessment of a classroom teacher’s lesson/unit plans (before, during, and/or after the observation) will enable the evaluator to respond to the associated Standard and Elements. Please note: Principal’s expectations regarding when and how lesson plans will be reviewed will be established and communicated by your local school administration early in the school year.

Evaluation Process 3. Classroom Observation(s) One announced observation is required Observation must last at least 30 minutes Two observations are required the teacher has 3 yrs. or less teaching experience (doesn’t have to have been in CCSD) 2nd observation may be unannounced Evaluator must conduct a required feedback conference within 10 school days after each observation Evaluator reviews completed observation form at the feedback conference Evaluator and teacher sign and date the observation form Teacher’s Signature Date indicates receipt of observation form content 11

Evaluation Process 4. The Annual Evaluation Process Around the first of March, your evaluator will complete the Annual Report Form Annual ratings are based on observations and year-long performance Reviewing the Observation Form(s) and the Rubric, and other evidence, the Evaluator will assign a rating to each Performance Standard Element and record commentary pertinent to the teacher’s performance on the Standard Proficient: Highly competent, skilled, an expert Emerging: Evolving, showing new or improved development Not Evident: Not obvious or observed; not easy to see 12

Evaluation Process Assigning a rating to all 18 Elements provides significant improvements in the annual evaluation process - Teachers will receive more detailed, specific feedback re: their strengths, growth areas, and overall performance Teachers with a few Element areas needing growth may still qualify to receive a Proficient Overall annual rating Teachers on the very high end of Emerging performance previously may qualify to receive a Proficient annual rating 13

Evaluation Process Next, your evaluator will assign a rating to each of 12 Professional Duties and Responsibilities (PDRs) Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Satisfactory At the beginning of the year, your school administration will clarify expectations re: the PDRs. Your evaluator will record relevant commentary addressing all Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory ratings on the PDRs.

Evaluation Process Needs Improvement Satisfactory The totals from each rating category results in an Overall PDR Summary Rating for this section… Unsatisfactory More than 3 “N” or 2 or more “U” ratings Needs Improvement 3 “N” ratings or 1 “U” rating Satisfactory No more than 2 “N” and no “U” ratings

Evaluation Process Combined, these ratings result in the Overall Performance Rating – remember, all of the Elements are rated on the Annual Report now, so the numbers resulting in each overall rating numbers have changed… Unsatisfactory Four or more Not Evident Standards ratings or Unsatisfactory summary rating on PDRs Emerging Fewer than thirteen Proficient Standards ratings & Satisfactory or Needs Improvement summary rating on PDRs Proficient Thirteen or more Proficient Standards ratings & a Satisfactory summary rating on PDRs

Evaluation Process Annual Evaluation Conference Typically during March, the Evaluator and Teacher meet for annual conference Evaluator and Teacher sign & date the annual report Your signature indicates receipt of annual report You may write comments in the Comments section of the form If you wish to submit comments later, they must be received by your evaluator within 10 school days.

Evaluation Process 5. Appealing Annual Performance Report Ratings If you wish to specifically appeal your annual evaluation report, you must complete and submit the District appeal form to your principal within 10 school days See Appeal Form and Instructions (EMWeb) You will receive a response from your principal within 20 school days of his/her receipt of your appeal If desired, you may submit a second level appeal to the Chief Human Resources Officer – see appeal instructions on EMWeb

Other certified faculty? The Cobb Keys System, and all changes, are applicable to almost all certified faculty. Annual reports specific to the following positions are provided to reflect rating of the scope and nature of their particular instructional roles. Special Education Teachers Library Media Specialists School Counselors School Social Workers Speech Language Pathologists

Other certified faculty? Hey, How about me? The Cobb Keys are not applicable to some positions. Those individuals will be evaluated on their job descriptions and the Alternate Annual Summary Form ISS Teachers Academic Coaches A few other teaching/support positions If unsure how you’ll be evaluated, ask your assigned evaluator soon so that both of you will know what to expect

All Certified Evaluations OCGA 20-2-210 – In compliance with Georgia law, ALL certified evaluation activity must be completed prior to April 1, 2014! All activity related to your evaluation must be completed prior to this deadline. This includes: Observations Feedback conferences Annual evaluation conferences IMPORTANT!!!

 No Surprises! Bottom line…your end of the year evaluation results should never be a surprise! You should never be able to say….I thought I was doing fine all year, but I received a “Unsatisfactory” rating. No employee, certified or classified, should receive an overall Unsatisfactory rating unless he/she has been informed in writing of specific performance concerns during the year. Principals may, at their discretion, place an employee on a PDP to support identified deficiencies.

ALL Evaluations Impact of Overall Unsatisfactory Rating Per PSC Regulation, any certified employee earning an overall Unsatisfactory rating must be entered on the PSC’s Unsatisfactory Database This results in the employee’s salary being frozen at same salary step for next school year
