Lowering the Dropout Rate Presented by: Dr. Bragg
Eliminate all Testing Creates test anxiety for all stakeholders Schools are unfairly compared and judged Teachers spend time teaching to the test We differentiate in the classroom but use a holistic approach when it comes to testing
Eliminate all Testing The United States is one of the few countries in the world that use test scores to judge schools The United States ranks 24 out of 27 industrialized nations in terms of the quality of the education citizens receive. Finland has the best educational system in the world and they have eliminated all testing.
Less is Best Educational experts continue to express the need to lengthen the school day and school year Most remediation and “work back” programs do not work 1/3 of US students do not want to be in a classroom but they are required by law to be there Smaller class sizes work
Fewer Options when a Student Drops Out Penalize the parents with a fine or jail time if any of their children drop out (GA law states a parent or guardian can be sent to jail if a child they are responsible for does not attend school on a regular basis and is younger than 16) Many states refuse to give a teenager a valid driver’s license if they are not registered full time in high school. These states have among the lowest drop out rates in the country. Assign students who drop out manual labor jobs. Many Asian countries do this and they have an almost non-existent drop out rate. Tax students more who have dropped out of school. European countries have had success with excessive taxing of workers who do not have a high school degree. Once a student fails a class, they report to work camps. If a student drops out, they forfeit the right to earn a GED or return to school at a later time. Most other nations do not offer alternative education or second chances to students. Restrict the opportunity for employment for any drop out. Asian nations reserve menial, below minimum wage paying jobs for high school drop outs. Only high school and college graduates are allowed to apply for the highest paying and most prestigious jobs.
Less is Best Education budgets across the country have dropped 11% the last six years resulting in fewer teachers which means more students in each class. Research conducted by Harvard University suggests students in countries where attendance is not required and school days and school years are shorter show better end results for those students. The Department of Education states that shorter school years will result in lower operating expenses in maintaining schools. Money saved could be used to hire more teachers or give teachers pay raises Research has shown students in school with shorter days and school years attend school more regularly, earn better grades, and have fewer discipline problems.
Fewer Options when a Student Drops Out Students in the US are given countless options to earn a degree Many students attend school and are not gaining the knowledge or skill they need Students who do drop out can live off their parents or collect unemployment if they are not working Most students- and parents- in the US look at acquiring an education as an entitlement and not a privilege