A Probabilistic Model for Message Propagation in Two-Dimensional Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks Yanyan Zhuang, Jianping Pan and Lin Cai University of Victoria, Canada
2 Previous Work Cluster: a connected group of vehicles on a one- dimensional highway, in which messages can be propag ated directly Cluster size: the distance between the first and last vehicle in the same cluster -- [JSAC10ZPLC] to appear Challenges: from 1-d to 2-d
3 Background & Related Work Message propagation in 2-d, infrastructure-less V2V communication Traffic modeling and message propagation 1) Vehicle Traffic Models Assumption: inter-vehicle distances follow an i.i.d. distribution, e.g., exponential distribution
4 Background & Related Work (cont.) 2) Percolation Theory The process of liquid seeping through a porous object: each edge is open with probability p The existence of an infinite connected cluster of open edges: whether p < p c or p ≥ p c Focus: determine the probability that a message is delivered to certain blocks away from the source
5 Background & Related Work (cont.) 3) Message Propagation and Connectivity Network connectivity in 1-d is always limited For 2-d, e.g., city blocks, network connectivity can be guaranteed if the density among nearby nodes is above a certain threshold
6 Contributions Connectivity property of message propagation in two-dimensional VANET scenarios 1) Derive average cluster size in 1-d, with distribution approximation 2) Derive connectivity probability for 2-d ladder 3) Formulate the problem for 2-d lattice Tradeoff between message forwarding schemes w/o geographic constraints: simulation
7 One-Dimensional Message Propagation Cluster size C: the distance between first and last vehicle R: transmission range E[C]: expected cluster size X 1 : distance between the first and second vehicle (RV) If exp. distribution and let therefore,
8 Comparison
9 Cluster Size Characterization Already have: first order Derivation of second order thus
10 Cluster Size Distribution X i : the RV of inter-vehicle distance, given that the i-th and (i+1)-th vehicles are in the same cluster Suppose there are k vehicles in a cluster, the Laplace Transform of the cluster size distribution is
11 Cluster Size Distribution (cont.) Given f C|k, the distribution function of C is f C|k is obtained by taking the inverse-Laplace Transform on f* C|k, and is the probability that there are k vehicles in a cluster Unfortunately, no closed-form by inverse-Laplace Transform: C is the sum of k truncated exponential random variables, and k itself follows a Geometric distribution
12 Cluster Size Distribution (cont.) Gamma Approximation where to ensure: the 1 st and 2 nd order moments of the Gamma approximation are the same as E[C] and E[C 2 ]
13 Gamma Approximation
14 Two-Dimensional Message Propagation Bond probability p: prob. that two adjacent intersections are connected
15 Two-Dimensional Message Propagation If wireless transmissions are heavily shadowed, p can be simplified as Pr{cluster size > d} Otherwise: V 0 is connected to the source
16 Case 1: the cluster originating from V 0 has a size larger than d−d o Case 2: the cluster size originating from V 0 is smaller than d-d 0 ; the last vehicle connected to V 0 is V w, and d e +d w >R
17 Bond Probability p=p 1 +p 2, d=500m
18 Ladder Connectivity Given that each intersection is connected with p, by the principle of inclusion-exclusion (PIE)
19 Ladder Connectivity (cont.) For x>1, recursion is needed to derive the probability Generally,
20 R=200m and d=500m
21 Lattice Connectivity Enumerate all the possible paths from (0, 0) to (x, y) by PIE, P(x, y) can be obtained by calculating the probabilities of different combinations of paths and crosschecking their overlapping street segments
22 combinatorial explosion Eg, x = 5, y = 3, # of different paths is # of different combinations of these 56 paths can be, each of which has |x|+|y|=8 segments If store these segments in bitmap, requires 38 bits per path, (x+1)y+x(y+1)=38 unique street segments memory required
23 Simulation Network connectivity (w/o geo-constraints: GF vs. UF)
24 Connectivity probability (GF vs. UF, )
25 Broadcast Cost (GF vs. UF)
26 Conclusion & Further Discussions Network connectivity in 1-d, 2-d ladder, 2-d lattice (simulation) Bond probability: consider packet loss, collisions Vehicle mobility, e.g.,carry-and-forward V2I communications: drive-thru Internet
27 Thanks! Q&A
28 Connectivity probability (GF vs. UF)
30 References [JSAC10ZPLC] Y. Zhuang, J. Pan, Y. Luo and L. Cai, “Time and Location-Critical Emergency Message Dissemination for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks”, to appear in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) special issue on Vehicular Communications and Networks, [DGP06CW] L. C. Chen and F. Y. Wu, “Directed percolation in two dimensions: An exact solution”, in Di ff erential Geometry and Physics, Nankai Tracts in Math., Vol. 10, pp , 2006.