Section 2.2 Bar Graphs, Circle Graphs, and Time-Series Graphs 2.2 / 1
Other Common Graphs Bar Graphs Pareto Charts Circle Graphs Time-Series Graphs 2.2 / 2
Bar Graph 2.2 / 3 Bars are of uniform width and are uniformly spaced. Bars may be vertical or horizontal. Lengths of bars represent values being displayed, frequency or percentage of occurrence. Graph annotated with title, labels and scale or value for each bar
Changing Scale Whenever you use a change of scale in a graphic, use a squiggle on the changed axis. A squiggle: 2.2 / 4
Bar Graph With a Change of Scale 2.2 / 5
Pareto Chart 2.2 / 6 Tool of quality control Start with a bar chart Arrange bars in decreasing order of frequency Frequently used to investigate causes of problems
Circle Graph (Pie Chart) 2.2 / 7 Shows division of whole into component parts Label parts with appropriate percentages of the whole
Time Series Graph 2.2 / 8 Data sets composed of similar measurements taken at regular intervals over time Shows data values in chronological order Place time on horizontal scale Place other variable on vertical scale Connect data points with line segments
Rules For Any Graph Provide a title. Label axes. Identify units of measure. Present information clearly. 2.2 / 9 Exploratory Data Analysis Technique particularly useful for detecting patterns and extreme values. Also called EDA. Makes use of histograms and other graphics. Assignment 2
TI-84Plus / TI-83Plus Place values in list L1 and corresponding data in L2. Press Stat Plot and highlight an xy line plot. 2.2 / 10