Math Units
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Search “PSUSD Math Units” AND Click the little triangle AND Click “Search Palm Springs U.S.D.”
Accessing the Units Click on your grade level folder
Organization ●Folders are always listed first. ●Files are listed in alphabetical order. ●All folders have the same title format: ○Grade.math.unit #.segment #.lesson ●Units at a Glance are always listed last.
Take 15 Read through the unit. How is it structured? Jot down some notes o What is useful? o What is not useful? o What is not clear? o How is this connected to lesson planning/PBL?
Unit Structure
Unit 1 Enduring Understandings: Are those concepts we want students to remember ten years from now. They are the important concepts underlying the content. Unit Overview: Tells the reader what the unit is about.
Standards Priority Standards: These are the standards that will be guaranteed: taught, assessed, and re- taught as necessary. Guiding Questions: Prompts students to engage in use of skills and concepts at appropriate rigor and complexity that lead students to a desired learning outcome. Emphasized Standards for Mathematical Practice: These are the mental processes that students need to engage in as they learn the math content. Supporting Standards: These are the standards that will be taught in conjunction with the Essential Standards, but they will not be main focus of assessment.
Segments Big Idea: An idea that connects across units and grade levels. Suggested Instructional Resources: Sometimes these resources are only located here or sometimes they are seen/repeated throughout the segments. Segment: Broken up by the headers. Approximate number of days included. Emphasized Standards for Mathematical Practice: May change from the overview
Learning Targets, Guiding Questions, Assessments and Other Resources Guiding Questions: Some ideas are given per target. Learning Target: A clear statement that highlights what students will learn, how they will learn it, and the evidence produced by the student that demonstrates their understanding within a given lesson. ●Column 1 includes the first two components. ●Column 2 includes the third component.
Segment: Repeated Formative Assessments: Sometimes end of segment assessments are suggested.
So What Next? KNOW YOUR STANDARDS USE APPROPRIATE RESOURCES TO MAKE SENSE OF IT ALL CA Math FrameworkCA Math Framework: Standards Narrative Illustrative MathematicsIllustrative Mathematics: Sample ?s Math ProgressionsMath Progressions: Vertical Alignment
CA Math Framework pages 6-11 Close read pages ● * suggested strategies ● + new to my teaching toolbox ● ? things you don’t understand
See the Bigger Picture
Don’t limit students’ understanding by isolating the standards.
Using supporting standards Read your supporting standards TPS: How can these supporting standards help develop conceptual understanding?
Math Progressions Extensions to other domains & Shows the domain progression starting at Kindergarten
Need more direction to create lessons? Start with the learning target
Students will be able to ________________ and ________________ as demonstrated by ____________. ❖ We will be able to (concept and skill) and (cognitive application) as demonstrated by (student output). ➢ This comes straight from the standard. ➢ This comes from Hess’ Cognitive Rigor Matrix ➢ This is what the students will produce. Does your Learning Target have all 3 components?
Create a Learning Target for.. 3.OA.9 Identify arithmetic patterns (including patterns in the addition table or multiplication table), and explain them using properties of operations. For example, observe that 4 times a number is always even, and explain why 4 times a number can be decomposed into two equal addends. Learning Targets are easier if you consider the end result. What is it that you want the students to be able to do after mastering the standard? Backwards by Design
Fill in the blank with a number that completes the pattern 2, 4, 6, ___ Not a good end task
Below is a table showing addition of numbers 1 through 5. a.In each column and each row of the table, even and odd numbers alternate. Explain why. b.Explain why the diagonal, from top left to bottom right, contains the even numbers 2,4,6,8, and 10. c.Explain why all numbers in the other diagonal, from bottom left to top right, are 6's. Now create a learning target!
Sample Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic from an operations chart.
What will your lessons include? Read the framework first! Look to other resources for ideas: How will I get my students to understand the bigger picture?