FIGURE 4.3 Federal Minimum Wage: Level, and Relative to Wages in Manufacturing, 1938– $5.85 current $6.55 7/24/2008 $7.25 7/24/2009
Eurostat. Minimum wages 2005: Major differences between EU Member States
Eurostat. Minimum wages 2005: Major differences between EU Member States
Eurostat. Minimum wages 2005: Major differences between EU Member States
16 States with minimum wage rates higher than the Federal 26 States with minimum wage rates equal to the Federal 6 States with no minimum wage law States with minimum wage below federal
32 States with minimum wage rates higher than the Federal 10 States with minimum wage rates equal to the Federal 5 States with no minimum wage law States with minimum wage below federal
Carrington, William J., and Bruce Fallick. “Do Some Workers Have Minimum Wage Careers?” Monthly Labor Review 124 (May 2001):