Change, Trends & Forecasting Finding the Opportunities
CHANGE AND OPPORTUNITY Changes in society are where opportunities lie e.g., with the changes in computer technology and thus word processing, typewriter makers were facing great difficulties – loss of their market IBM – International Business Machines – was primarily a typewriter maker. Did they decide to fold or to accept the change in society and in the marketplace as an opportunity? BROTHER – still in existence, still making typewriters, but much smaller market
TRENDS AND FADS Changes that develop and endure for long periods of time are called TRENDS e.g., The Agricultural Age, The Industrial Age, The Information Age e.g., Internet usage, mobile phone ownership Changes that are temporary or short lived are called FADS e.g., mood rings, flare jeans, Tamagochi, most fashion changes Both can be the basis for a venture, but how you approach them is different – thus, you need to be able to distinguish whether the change is a trend or a fad
Successful Entrepreneurs… …see the opportunities in the trends E.g.: Trend : Aging Population (very large percentage of people in society will soon be over the age of 65) Opportunity : Older people want to socialize with people their age Entrepreneurial Idea : Cruises catering to senior citizens
(Trend) Rapid growth in the global economy Opportunities for Entrepreneurs Opportunities for Enterprising People importing / exporting products & services more jobs for people with international experiences and/or a second language
(Trend) Increasing use of contract labour (outsourcing) Opportunities for Entrepreneurs Opportunities for Enterprising People. entrepreneurs can set up consulting practices with professionals who can work for a variety of clients. opportunity to become self-employed while working for a large organization on a contract ‐ by ‐ contract basis
Situation – Opportunity – Idea SituationOpportunity Hot chocolate won’t stay hot on a cold day. Something is needed to keep the hot chocolate hot. Idea Thermal, insulated mugs
Situation – Opportunity – Idea SituationOpportunity Referee’s whistle won’t work at a crucial point in a game. The whistle needs to work all the time. Idea Create a whistle that doesn’t need a pea (since the pea was the problem).