Improve the HTML Form Entry Module Google Summer of Code 2011 João Portela Mentors: Darius Jazayeri Daniel Kayiwa
João Portela OpenMRS ID: jportela IRC: jportela Skype: jppcportela 4th year Informatics and Computer Engineering Faculty of Engineering Porto University
João Portela OpenMRS ID: jportela IRC: jportela Skype: jppcportela 4th year Informatics and Computer Engineering Faculty of Engineering Porto University
HTML Form Entry Module Created by Darius Jazayeri Creates forms using HTML code
HTML Form Entry Module Advantages (over XForms): Plain HTML is better for slower/older browsers Can make the form look exactly like you want
HTML Form Entry Module Disadvantages (over XForms): Doesn't use schema tables Poor WYSIWYG editing
HTML Form Entry Module Improvements: Doesn't Use schema tables Poor Offer WYSIWYG editing
Use Schema Tables Update the schema tables when saving a form Generate HTML code from the schema tables Form Schema Modules HTML Form Entry
Offer WYSIWYG editing Continuation of the work done in the HTML Form Entry Designer module Based on CKEditor ( ) Goal: map the most features offered by HTML Form Entry module allow easy integration of new features
Currently developing: Update the schema tables when saving a form Progress: Learn how Form Schemas are saved Compare HTML Form Schema to the Form Schema Start updating the schema tables (code)
Proposal Use the field_answer table
Resources ule+-+Project+Plan Form+Schema+Mapping