Written by: Benjamin Beck Shared with permission on StarWarsintheClassroom.com
Lifeforms The STAR WARS galaxy has given us some very unique lifeforms………. As you consider the life forms for your planet pay attention to how the environment forces these life forms to adapt to their surroundings……..
Planet of origin is Maridun. A planet of large forests and grassy plains. Average height is 2-5 meters (6-10 feet). Jabba the Hutt took over the slave trade and forced a lot of Amanin into slavery. The youths started settling in towns and using technology such as blasters. Facts about Amanin
Planet of Origin is Barab 1. The planet is encased in murky darkness due to it’s dim Red Dwarf sun. Reptilian species averaging 2 meters (6 feet) in height. Natural hunters that can see infrared wavelengths. They have great intelligence and value wisdom. Facts about Barabels
Planet of origin Clak’Dor VII. Bith rely on technology for most of their needs including reproduction. Because Bith do not sleep they have no eyelids. Bith are some of the most complex thinkers and acomplished artists the galaxy has produced. Facts about Bith
Planet of origin is Vinsoth. A temperate planet covered mostly by grassy plains. Chevin culture revolves around money, power and status. They are likely to hire someone or force their slaves to do their fighting. They travel their world in large community platform vehicles. Facts about Chevin
Facts about Dugs Planet of origin is Malastare. Dugs inhabit the lush western hemisphere, The Gran live on the eastern hemisphere. Dugs are known for their foul temper and have been to war with many species. Many of their buildings are towers with open platforms.
Planet of Origin is Nal Hutta. Hutts are large gastropods and one of the longest living species in the galaxy. Hutts keep their young in a pouch like a marsupial. Hutt society is divided up into clans. Facts about Hutts
Planet of origin is Ithor. Average height is 2 meters (6 feet). They have a peaceful nature but have developed powerful shield and weapon technology. They have 2 mouths so they speak in stereo. Facts about Ithorians
Mon Calamari
Facts about Mon Calamari Planet of Origin is Mon Calamari, an ocean planet. Home on both land and sea. Remarkable capacity for intense concentration. Noted for ship making abilities.
Planet of origin is Lowick, a marsh planet. They are amphibious lifeforms. They have two mouths, the second mouth helps the young gain more nutrition. They reproduce by laying eggs. Facts about Pa’Lowick
Planet of origin is Uvena Prime. Shistavanens do not like outsiders coming to their planet. Shistavanens society is based on isolationism. They are excellent hunters and trackers. Facts about Shistavanens
Facts about Sullustans Planet of origin is Sullust, a volcanic planet. Sullustans live below the ground in cool, humid caves. Their eyes see well in dim light and their oversized ears make them extremely sensitive to sound.
Planet of origin is Alzoc III, a frigid ice world covered in fields of snow and ice. Talz society is clan based. Talz have an external womb that is guarded by both parents. They are a quiet, gentle species. Facts about Talz
Planet of origin is Toydaria, a muck lake planet in Hutt Space. Toydarian stomachs are filled with gas that acts like a balloon and helps them fly. Jedi mind tricks do not work on Toydarians. Facts about Toydarians
Planet of origin is Thyferra. Vratix society is a caste system. The healing substance bacta is produced by the Vratix. The color of vratix skin changes to express emotion. Facts about Vratix
Planet of origin is Toola, an icy planet. Whipids are carnivorous predators who love to hunt. Whipids live in nomadic tribes of up to ten families. They take great care in determining if off worlders are prey or not. Facts about Whipids