By Rhian Norman
What I am going to be talking to you today about. I am going to talk about 2 adverts. A product image advert. A personalised format advert. I am going to talk about 2 adverts. A product image advert. A personalised format advert. First Second I am going to talk to you about my own ideas for an advert that I plan on making.
ADVERT 1 Bear and the Hare.
The John Lewis advert is a Product image advert, this means that the advert uses a metaphor then shows the product at the end. For this advert it uses a bear and a hare. The advert shows how having there products, can help to create a Christmas that people will never forget. The music helps to put you in the emotional state that they want you to be in, first you are sad because the bear is tired and does not have the energy to have fun like every one else, he then goes of to hibernate and the music goes sadder, then you see the hare with a present, the hare then places it in the bears cave and the music can of goes tense as you wonder whether or not the bear will turn up or even get the present, then when the bear arrives the mood of the advert picks up and makes the viewers feel really happy, then when you see what the present is it makes you laugh as the music picks up and the fact that the present woke the bear up to give him the best Christmas ever, and shows how the alarm clock is no the main present as the main present was the opportunity to enjoy a Christmas but thanks to the product and the people who sell it, the bear is given the opportunity. The age that the advert would be aimed at would be adults or over 18’s, as they are the ones who are in charge of planning what happens at Christmas and are the ones to buy the presents. The advert shows a bear and a hare, they are both looking at a Christmas tree, they are watching the rest of the animals decorating it, the bear then yawns and walks of to hibernate, they hare does not follow. In the next scene you see the hare go to the bears cave and place a present down. In the next scene you see the hare and the rest of the animals as they are having a fun time opening there presents, the hare looks up and then you see the bear arrive, he has a massive grin on his face, and goes to join the hare, the last scene shows the bears cave and the unwrapped present, it is an alarm clock. AnalysisWhat does the advert show JOHN LEWIS, BEAR AND THE HARE.
The advert tells the viewer that by buying products at there store, you will be giving someone a Christmas that they have never had before, for example by choosing a bear as one of the main characters it shows how some people miss Christmas or don’t feel like they have had one, because bears hibernate during Christmas time. then by choosing a hare as one of the main characters they are showing how there products help to give people a Christmas, as the hare is the one to give the bear the present and allow him to enjoy a Christmas that he other wise would not have experienced, this helps them to stress there point that there products help to give people a Christmas, the hare symbolises the buyer, as he is the one to get the John Lewis product and help to give the bear a Christmas that he will never forget. h?vXqWig2WARb0
For our example of a product image advert we, had a girl who is board, where she is siting is very loud, she then sees some headphones, she puts them on and suddenly she is happy and no longer can hear everyone else. The products helps her by making her current situation better then what it was. Then at the end we give show the product, but don’t give you lots of information they you might forget we just say a slogan. What happened in our advert. OUR PRODUCT IMAGE ADVERT
ADVERT 2 Nature valley bar
It is a personalised format advert as the product solves a problem. The problem being that people who work really hard in the city want to escape to the county side, so by eating the product it allows you to feel like you are in the countryside but without having to go there. There is no music to play over the top as there is a character who talks almost all the time throughout the advert. The age that this advert would be aimed at would be adults or city dwellers, as they are the ones who tend to work or live in the city where things are more crowded then they are in the countryside and want to escape. They are the ones more likely to want the product as people are always on the lookout for bars that they can eat on the go, be tasty and give them the sense that they are not where they are, but are some where better and less crowded. At the start you see a lady fall into a haystack, she is wearing a suit, has a hot drink in her hands and is eating a nature valley bar, she has a slightly dazed look on her face. The farmers dog barks and the farmer notices the lady, he walks up to her while talking to his dog about how another townie had dropped by again. He says come one to the lady to try to get her to sit up and come with him, another townie as he puts it falls down. In the next scene he has a load of people eating the nature valley bars in the back of his trailer as he is taking them back to town, another one falls in the background and the camera moves to the right so that you can see a person eating the product in a tree. The last scene in of the product its self. Analysis What happens. NATURE VALLEY BAR
The advert is trying to say that by eating the product you will feel a lot better, as the countryside is nicer then the city, and so being able to make you feel like you are in the countryside by only eating the product, it makes people want the product more, as city life can be quiet boring and dull, compared to the quiet tasteful life of the countryside. Also by saying that the countryside is better they are saying that the product is tastier then all the other mainstream bars. h?v=j5rZqQc3oAM
For out example of a product image advert we had a girl who was lacking energy, she struggles up the first section of the stairs and when it gets to much for her she, sits down and pulls some cakes out of her bag and eats one, when we next see her she is full of energy and is happy, she runs up the stairs, the last scene is showing the product of. What happened in our advert. OUR PRODUCT IMAGE ADVERT
I plan on making a life style advert for my final advert, I want to do this as I think it is the best one for showing a product of which I intend to do in the advert. I plan on showing as many people as possible in lots of different situations using the product. The product that I plan on advertising is the Samsung galaxy y smart phone. I plan on the first scene to be a girl playing games on he phone while she wait's for the bus, for the second scene I intend for a group of people to be sat around the person with the phone as they are trying to do a quiz, the next scene I intend to see a girl texting a boy, she will be smiling, the next scene you will she a boy, the phone goes of and he reaches into his pocket to get it and has a massive smile on his face, the next scene will be a girl in a class searching for something on the internet using her phone. And then the next scene will be of a boy sending e- mail invite out to all of his friends. The last scene will be of the product so that you can see closely what it looks like. The advert will be aimed at teenagers who are always looking for the best phone to have. The idea that the advert will put across will be that the product is the best on the market. THE ADVERT THAT I PLAN ON MAKING