Coursework Documentation INTRODUCTION TO INTERNET
Reporting Format Standardized and consistent format of Theme Fonts and Size Table of contents Footer include name, module code and page number Chapter and Subchapter with appropriate numbering 2000 words
Referencing and citation Proper format and follow Harvard referencing standard Don’t make similar or copy from friends List out references in documents
Documentation include at least following chapter Cover Page [Without Page Number] Proposal [Without Page Number] Table of Contents [Without Page Number] Introduction [Start Page Number] Goals Discussion and Analysis [Report One Submission Deadline] [ ] Research Conclusion Reference list Appendix [Final Report Submission] [ ]
Documentation include at least following chapter Introduction What is about coursework and overall information Table of Contents Table of Figures Table of Tables
Documentation include at least following chapter Goals/Objectives Set design goals List out
Documentation include at least following chapter Discussion and Analysis [Important] How website is designed Supportive wireframes and screenshots How and why key design goals were chosen and reached
Documentation include at least following chapter Research [Important] Research on the similar web pages Compare with similar web pages
Documentation include at least following chapter Conclusion Review overall course objectives What you have learned Explain constraint and more improvement
Documentation include at least following chapter Reference Harvard reference listing
Documentation include at least following chapter Appendix HTML code CSS Code JavaScript Code Any supporting documents
Points to Remember How your website is related to Introduction to Internet Impacts that will made on business and society Tools used in making your website Awareness of website design