Conduct a “Whip” around the room: One at a time, each group is to put up one brainstormed tardy consequence on the board. Continue around the room until there are no new consequences to write.
Activity Instructions: Remaining in your groups, take out one sheet of paper/group. Divide the paper into four sections, labeling them one through four.
Activity Instructions: There are four numbered scenarios on a desk/table in the front of the room. Pick up ONE scenario at a time and discuss the situation. Come up with a reasonable solution to each “problem.” Continue until your group finishes all four.
Scenario #1 You just heard the second bell, but you have to go to the bathroom like nobody’s business! What do you do?
Scenario #2 You have been smitten by the love bug! Your best friend just told you that this beautiful person is feeling the same about you! The second bell rings. Your eyes meet across a crowded hallway. What do you do?
Scenario #3 Who thought up your schedule? You have 6th hour in the art room and 7th hour in the W wing. Everyday you’re going to your locker and then to class and the bell rings only seconds after you step in the room. What do you do?
Scenario #4 Angie is your best friend and you always wait outside her English class so that you can walk together to physics; but, today the teacher is talking to her. You don’t want to interrupt, but you don’t want to be late either. What do you do?
Discuss each Scenario: What solution(s) does your group recommend for each scenario (starting with the 1 st )? *(On next slide)
Scenario #1 You just heard the second bell, but you have to go to the bathroom like nobody’s business! What do you do?
Scenario #2 You have been smitten by the love bug! Your best friend just told you that this beautiful person is feeling the same about you! The second bell rings. Your eyes meet across a crowded hallway. What do you do?
Scenario #3 Who thought up your schedule? You have 6th hour in the art room and 7th hour in the W wing. Everyday you’re going to your locker and then to class and the bell rings only seconds after you step in the room. What do you do?
Scenario #4 Angie is your best friend and you always wait outside her English class so that you can walk together to physics; but, today the teacher is talking to her. You don’t want to interrupt, but you don’t want to be late either. What do you do?
Teacher Hints: Scenario Activity Print out this entire PowerPoint and you will two copies of each scenario slide for the kids to use. Encourage REASONABLE solutions.
Teacher Hints: Group Discussion If kids start to talk about how unfair the tardy policy is, redirect them toward finding solutions within the system. For example: “Given that you can’t change the rules, what can you do to abide by them?”