School Superintendents of Alabama Summer Conference June 13-14,
To Plan Learning (prior to instruction) To Support Learning (during instruction) To Monitor Learning (between instruction) To Verify Learning (after instruction) FORMATIVE DATA to quickly inform instruction Teacher/Student Discussion First-day Observations Teacher/Student Portfolio Class Blog; Student Journal Open Questioning Running Records Exit Activities Portfolios Benchmark Data to benchmark and monitor progress Screener Chapter Pre-Tests Graded Class Work Curriculum-Based Measures (CBM) Running Records Portfolios Office Discipline Referrals Curriculum-Based Measures (CBM) Progress Report Interim Assessment (Post-Test) Summative Data to evaluate cumulative learning Prior Year’s AP Exams Prior End-of-Year Scores Item Analysis of Prior Summative Test End-of-Unit Assessments/Grades Benchmark Test Scores End-of-Semester Grades AYP Reports Suspension Rates 2
Grade Assessment K-3 DIBELSMove to ARI 3-8 ARMTARMT ARMT ARMT + ARMT + ARMT + TBD 5 & 7 ASAASA ASA Combine with ARMT to become ARMT + 5, 7 & 10 ADAWADAW 3-8 Stanford 10Reading and Math only No longer administered 4, 8 & 12 NAEP NAEP NAEP NAEP 3-8 & 11 AAAAAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA 11 AHSGEAHSGE AHSGE AHSGE AHSGE AHSGE End-of-Course Tests 8 EXPLORE EXPLORE EXPLORE EXPLORE EXPLORE EXPLORE 10 PLAN PLAN PLAN PLAN 11 ACT ACT w/ ACT w/ Writing Writing 12 WorkKeys WorkKeys 3
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 State Accountability Law (Act ) State Board of Education Resolution (September 10, 2009) 4
Consortium of States ◦ Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) ◦ SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Vendor ◦ ACT’s QualityCore ◦ Norm-referenced Test, augmented if necessary State Developed 5
States are pooling expertise and resources to develop a high quality assessment system. Assessments will be ◦ aligned to a common set of standards. ◦ administered online. ◦ comparable across states within a consortium and across consortia. ◦ based on college- and career-readiness standards. Proficiency will indicate a student is ready/on track for placement in non-remedial, credit-bearing, college-level coursework. Two- and four-year institutions of higher education are involved. 6
Summative assessments ◦ Series of summative assessments given across the school year (through- course) and a comprehensive assessment at the end of the school year ◦ Grades 3-8 and high school ◦ Reading and mathematics Interim assessments ◦ Released test items and performance tasks ◦ Shared teacher- and state-developed items and tools ◦ Online practice tests for educators and students ◦ Administered at locally determined intervals Formative tools and processes ◦ Released test items and performance tasks ◦ Shared teacher- and state-developed items and tools ◦ Item development portal and tools ◦ Optional performance tasks for Grades K-2 ◦ Exemplar lesson plans ◦ Online interactive data tool for educators and parents with results 7
Summative assessments ◦ Computer adaptive assessments and performance tasks ◦ Administered in the last 12 weeks of the school year ◦ Grades 3-8 and high school (Grade 11) ◦ Reading and mathematics Interim assessments ◦ Grades 3-11 ◦ Consortium-developed ◦ Computer adaptive assessments and performance tasks ◦ Aligned to learning progressions ◦ Assessments available to students and teachers ◦ Administered at locally determined intervals ◦ Available to states as a cost option Formative tools and processes ◦ Shared teacher-developed tools ◦ Video clips of lessons with master teachers which are annotated ◦ Training modules on how to write and score complex items and complex tasks ◦ Model lessons so teachers can build their own lesson to look like prototypes ◦ Web-based portal to deliver reports and a dashboard that can be used by parents and educators 8
Educational Planning and Assessment System (EPAS) ◦ EXPLORE ◦ PLAN ◦ ACT with writing WorkKeys QualityCore Assessments ◦ English 9, 10, 11, and 12 ◦ Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Precalculus ◦ Biology, Chemistry, Physics ◦ U.S. History Establishment of college and career readiness targets for ARMT based on EXPLORE 9
Augmented, if necessary Potential Norm-referenced Tests ◦ Stanford Achievement Test, Eleventh Edition ◦ TerraNova ◦ Iowa Test of Basic Skills ◦ Others 10
11 Development Cost Administration Cost Consortium PARCC SBAC $0 ? $7.6 M ($10.4 with benchmark) Vendor ACT’s QualityCore Norm-referenced Test (augmented, if necessary) $0 $0 (unless augmented) $4.2 Million ? State Developed Most Recent Cost ARMT $ 5.0 M AHSGE$ 2.1 M Science $ 1.2 M Writing$ 0.6 M $ 8.9 M Estimated Future Cost ARMT$ 6.1 M EOC$ 1.5 M Science$ 1.0 M Writing$ 3.5 M $12.1 M Most Recent Cost ARMT $ 5.4 M AHSGE$ 1.6 M Science$ 0.4 M Writing $ 0.8 M $ 8.2 M Estimated Future Cost ARMT $ 6.6 M EOC$ 1.7 M Science $ 1.1 M Writing $ 2.5 M $11.9 M Consortium costs include Reading, Writing, and Mathematics in Grades 3-8 and high school. Vendor and State Developed costs include Reading, Writing, and Mathematics in Grades 3-8 and high school and Science in Grades 5, 7, and high school. Does not include funding for online testing or staffing needs.
12 ProsCons Consortium PARCC SBAC Vendor ACT’s QualityCore Norm-referenced Test (augmented, if necessary) State Developed
Vote of Board Development/training Administer new assessments 13
Reactions 14