How to Embrace True Religion (James 1:26,27)
Brief Review Our lesson today represents our seventh installment in this series of lessons on “How To” Christianity taken from the book of James. So far we have learned how to: –Survive trying times (1:2-4) –Obtain wisdom from God(1:5-8) –Overcome temptation (1:12-14) –Address our anger (1:19,20) –Secure salvation (1:21) –Become doers of the word (1:22-25)
How to Embrace Pure Religion In order to get the most out of this lesson we must understand what religion truly is. Religion is the system of belief and practice we possess in which we seek to honor God. “Pure” religion is that system of belief and practice which is in its simplest form and essence, and is undefiled or polluted by our traditions and personal preferences.
Elements of Pure Religion With this said, James tells us by inspiration of the Holy Spirit that pure religion involves three things: –Proper Speech (bridle the tongue) –Personal Service (visit orphans and widows in their trouble) –Permanent Separation (keep oneself unspotted from the world)
Proper Speech The very first statement James makes about being appropriately religious deals with the use of our speech. In essence, James tells us if we cannot bridle the tongue, then our religion is useless. But why is that? Simply put, if our speech isn’t right, then our heart isn’t right either. And if our heart isn’t right, then our religion is worthless! Truly what we say is a barometer of the condition of our heart. To think otherwise is mere self-deception. (Proverbs 13:3; 18:7; 29:20)
Personal Service The next statement made by James concerning pure and undefiled religion has to do with visiting orphans and widows in their trouble. Why orphans and widows? James wrote of orphans and widows because they were (and still are) the two most vulnerable groups in society. They need our protection from those who would take advantage of them, and they also need pleas made on their behalf because they have no true voice. In addition, they need provisions, praise, prayer, prominence, and possibilities.
Personal Service Pure religion, that is religion in its simplest form and essence, is about caring for those who are in need! How we treat, care for, and minister to the most vulnerable individuals in the church and in society is a true reflection of how meaningful our religion really is. Extra note: The word visit (EPISKEPTOMAI) used in our text means “to inspect, look upon, and care for.” Thus, it means that these individuals and others who are in need deserve our PERSONAL attention! Put another way, it is not enough just to give money on Sunday to support various programs for widows and orphans and others in need. We need to see about them ourselves as well! Money is not a substitute for service!
Permanent Separation Beyond just proper speech and personal service, pure religion also involves a permanent separation from the world. James says a person is to “keep oneself unspotted from the world.” The “world” referred to here are those individuals who live without God in their lives.
Permanent Separation The Bible teaches that the Satan is the ruler of this world (John 14:30) and that the lost are the children of this world (Luke 16:8). As children of the Lord, we are to stand in contrast to others. We are not to pay homage to Satan, the ruler of this world, nor are we to participate in the deeds of the children of this world (John 17:11-16).
Permanent Separation As children of the Lord, we are NOT to: –Live according to the wisdom of this world (I Corinthians 3:19) –Be conformed to this world (Romans 12:2) –Walk according to the course of this world (Eph. 2:2) –Be friends with the world (James 4:4) –Love the world (I John 2:15) The only way for us to do this is to come out from among them (the world) and be separate! (II Cor. 6:14-18)
Final Thoughts We need to embrace the idea of securing for ourselves pure and undefiled religion. We can do this if we will pursue: –Proper Speech (Bridle the tongue) –Personal Service (Visit widows and orphans in their troubles) –Permanent Separation (Keep oneself unspotted from the world)