The Dangers Of Convenient Religion
The Dangers Of Convenient Religion It Deceives Us Into Inaction As seen in Acts 24:25 Obviously, Felix’s interest was not in spiritual things Acts 24:26 Nonetheless, he became afraid when he heard Paul’s preaching
It Deceives Us Into Inaction As seen in Acts 24:25 He was waiting for a better, or “more convenient” time As far as we know, such a time never came for him cp. 2 Cor 6:2 The Dangers Of Convenient Religion
It Removes Our “Sense Of Cost” As seen in 1 Chron 21:24 David’s census was sinful vv. 1, 7-8 God gave David a choice re: his punishment vv David chose a punishment he deemed “merciful” v. 13
The Dangers Of Convenient Religion It Removes Our “Sense Of Cost” As seen in 1 Chron 21:24 Following David’s punishment, he was commanded to build and altar & to sacrifice v. 18 He was offered what he would need “free of charge” vv
The Dangers Of Convenient Religion It Removes Our “Sense Of Cost” As seen in 1 Chron 21:24 David refused Ornan’s offer…he would not offer God “that which would cost him nothing” v. 24 We must expect…need to feel a “sense of cost” cp. Lk 14:27-33
The Dangers Of Convenient Religion It Brings Error, Vain Worship As seen in 1 Kings 12:25-33 Jeroboam reveals his “real motivation” v. 27 However, he makes his case to the people on the basis of “convenience” vv
The Dangers Of Convenient Religion It Brings Error, Vain Worship As seen in 1 Kings 12:25-33 Compare Jeroboam’s idea to God’s original commands Ex 23:14-17 Deut 16:16 Convenience not a factor when tribal boundaries set Josh 18:1-6
The Dangers Of Convenient Religion It Brings Error, Vain Worship As seen in 1 Kings 12:25-33 Compare Jeroboam’s idea to God’s original commands Ex 23:14-17 Deut 16:16 “Casting lots” for tribal lands was Divinely controlled cp. Prov 16:33
The Dangers Of Convenient Religion It Brings Error, Vain Worship As seen in 1 Kings 12:25-33 It also brought about other erroneous worship vv “Convenience” is more concerned about what man wants than what God demands
The Dangers Of Convenient Religion It Opens The Door To Compromise As seen in Ex 10:21-26 The setting is the 9th plague on Egypt Pharaoh has had Moses on a “yo-yo” Pharaoh offers to let Moses, Israel go worship God…only the flocks must remain behind v. 24
The Dangers Of Convenient Religion It Opens The Door To Compromise As seen in Ex 10:21-26 Moses could have seen Pharaoh’s latest offer as a “small victory” “All of our families can go…only the animals must stay behind. This might be our best offer.”
The Dangers Of Convenient Religion It Opens The Door To Compromise As seen in Ex 10:21-26 Moses could have seen Pharaoh’s latest offer as a “small victory” Moses responds as he should vv
The Dangers Of Convenient Religion It Opens The Door To Compromise As seen in Ex 10:21-26 Moses’ response is especially impressive considering his earlier weakness cp. 3:10, 13 4:1, 10, 13 Moses now has grown in courage and conviction
The Dangers Of Convenient Religion It Opens The Door To Compromise As seen in Ex 10:21-26 The “spirit of compromise” is appealing When the will of God is at stake, there is never any room for the “spirit of compromise” cp. Gal 2:3-5 Acts 15 I’ll give a little.” “You give a little…
The Dangers Of Convenient Religion Conclusion Re: any sermon, the preacher’s task is to present truth…the audience’s job is to test what is taught & apply it I have no desire to be the “judge” of where some need to correct anything this lesson has addressed
The Dangers Of Convenient Religion Conclusion I’m not calling into question anyone’s level of commitment I simply want to remind all of us that discipleship to Jesus Christ is not based upon convenience …it is entirely based upon conviction
The Dangers Of Convenient Religion Conclusion There are several areas where we can apply what this lesson addresses Ê Attending worship (Regular assemblies, gospel meetings, even Bible classes) Ë Involvement the work of the church
The Dangers Of Convenient Religion Conclusion Mt 6:33 serves as a good summary Most emphatic word = FIRST We must prioritize Christ above our… …daily concerns Mt 6:25-34 …hobbies, pleasures Lk 8:14 …our occupation Jn 6:27
The Dangers Of Convenient Religion Conclusion Mt 6:33 serves as a good summary Most emphatic word = FIRST We must prioritize Christ above our… …own family Mt 10:37 …own selves Lk 14:26
The Dangers Of Convenient Religion Conclusion Commitment must be actively present because Satan brings “inconvenient times” cp. 2 Cor 2:11 11:14-15 He’ll stoop to any level to get us to sin He’ll use family cp. Gen 3 Job 2 He’ll even use us against ourselves
The Dangers Of Convenient Religion Conclusion Commitment & devotion is the only safeguard that will ward off Satan’s advances and keep us from the dangerous compromises of “Convenient Religion”