Worldliness 1 John 2:15.  “World” – What is it?  “age or dispensation”  Matthew 28:18-20  “earth”  Acts 17:24  “mankind”  John 3:16  “dominion.


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Presentation transcript:

Worldliness 1 John 2:15

 “World” – What is it?  “age or dispensation”  Matthew 28:18-20  “earth”  Acts 17:24  “mankind”  John 3:16  “dominion of Satan”  2 Cor. 4:4; 1 John 2:15; James 4:4; Rom. 12:2; James 1:27

Worldliness Begins In Mind  Romans 8:1-14

“It may be that here is the best point at which to note a grim fact about the works of the flesh. Without exception, every one of them is a perversion of something which is in itself good. Immorality, impurity, licentiousness are perversions of the sexual instinct which is in itself a lovely thing and part of love. Idolatry is a perversion of worship, and was begun as an aid to worship. Sorcery is a perversion of the use of healing drugs in medicine. Envy, jealousy and strife are perversions of that noble ambition and desire to do well which can be a spur to greatness. Enmity and anger are a perversion of that righteous indignation without which the passion for goodness cannot exist. Dissension and the party spirit are a perversion of the devotion to principle which can produce the martyr. Drunkenness and carousing are the perversion of the happy joy of social fellowship and of the things which men can happily and legitimately enjoy. Nowhere is there better illustrated the power of evil to take beauty and to twist it into ugliness, to take the finest things and to make them an avenue for sin. The awfulness of the power of sin lies precisely in its ability to take the raw material of potential goodness and turn it into the material of evil.” (William Barclay in "Flesh and Spirit"; p. 39)

Worldliness – How Manifested?  In Speech  Eph. 4:25,29  In Dress  1 Tim. 2:9,10  In Religion  Social & recreational activities  In Recreation & Entertainment  Dancing (Prom); Gambling, etc.

Worldliness – How it gets into church?  Preachers  2 Tim. 4:1-4  Unconverted Members  Hebrews 5:11-14

What Must I Do To Be Saved? Hear the gospel (Rom. 10:17)Hear the gospel (Rom. 10:17) Believe Jesus is Christ (Acts 8:37)Believe Jesus is Christ (Acts 8:37) Repent of your sins (Luke 13:3)Repent of your sins (Luke 13:3) Confess your faith (Mt. 10:32)Confess your faith (Mt. 10:32) Baptized for remission of sins (Acts 2:38)Baptized for remission of sins (Acts 2:38) Walk by faith in newness of life (Rom. 6:4)Walk by faith in newness of life (Rom. 6:4)