Salem Witch Trials SWBAT: Identify and analyze the factors leading up to the Salem Witch Trails and analyze the effect that the Puritans have upon the.


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Presentation transcript:

Salem Witch Trials SWBAT: Identify and analyze the factors leading up to the Salem Witch Trails and analyze the effect that the Puritans have upon the success of our nation Vocabulary: GLE: DOK: 2

Puritan Values vs. American Values Brain Storm: Compare values of Puritans to those of the founders of our nation Think about what it took to be successful in the new world………….

Puritan Religion *Left England in search of religious freedom * Against the law to not attend church *Dress was dictated by the church * God would punish sinful behavior If you got sick – you must have been sinful * Satan very real: Struggled against good and evil * Followers of Satan were witches – punishable by death

Salem Town vs. Salem Village Salem Village – poor farmers/Salem Town – prosperous port village Rev. Samuel Paris – Stern Puritan Minister of Salem Village - Worldly ways work of the Devil - Salem Town was influenced by Devil What can we tell about the accusers vs. the accused?

Children of the Puritans - Children held to same standards as adults -Child play was seen as a sinful distraction from God -Boys could hunt in the woods, explore, and work as apprentices -Girls learned to work in the house – cook, wash, clean, and sew -Children would be punished harshly for sinful acts

The Story of the Witch Trials Hand out graphic organizer – to be discussed with partner and class ventures/salemwitchtrials/story/

Why the Hysteria??? Snowball fight………. 1. Would the early colonies have been as successful without the values implemented by the Puritans? Yes or No 2.What were the underlying factors for so many people getting accused of Withcraft? A.Betty, Abigail, and the other girls were in fear of being punished for misbehaving B.Puritans were loosing their power in government and feared their “pure” way of life was endanger C.Puritans were envious of the success of non-puritans