Graceway LiveFIT Colossians Series: F-aith I-nfluencing T-day!
Victory Principles for Success! Colossians 2:1-9
Introduction: In (vs. 2-3), Paul reflects on the attitudes necessary to continue steadfastly in the faith ….
1. …hearts knit together in LOVE and PURPOSE…
2. …the proper understanding and application of the “mystery of God” in this age [dispensation]
3. …Realizing that true wisdom and understanding and knowledge come only from God and as a result of SUBMITTING willingly to three aspects of our lives..
a) The Ecclesia – The way b) The Word of God – The Truth c) The Holy Spirit – The life
A. Paul gives 7 basic principles of Victory to live by (vs. 4-8)
Principle 1: (vs. 4) Know there are people seeking to beguile you
Romans 16: vs. 18 – Angel worship II Cor. 11: [he tries to be like Christ] Eph. 4:14; 5:6-7 and I Tim. 6:1-8
Principle 2: (vs. 5) Know the power of intercessory prayer
Aquilla and Pricilla [Acts 18: 24-28] Eph. 2:6, 3:1-11 [spirit does the word] Romans 8:26, 27:34 [spirit does the word] Psalm 66:18 [known sin confessed\
Col 4:12 [laboring in prayers] Col. 1:1-8
Principle 3: (vs. 5) The power of being steadfast in the faith
Steadfast = στερεός stereos ster-eh-os‘ stiff, that is, solid, stable - stedfast, strong, sure.
I Peter 5: 8-11 … Steadfastness produces … 1. maturity 2. establishment 3. strength 4. settling … from glory to glory
The Grace of God is the key to steadfast faith….
James 4:6-8 give us more ingredients of developing steadfastness.. 1. humility 2. submission to God 3. resisting the devil 4. drawing near to God 5. cleansing our hands (what we do) 6. Purifying our hearts (minds)
Grace - χάρις charis khar'-ece especially the divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life;,
Principle 4: (vs. 6) Importance to “walk in Christ”
Colossians 1:10 Ephesians 4:1 Philippians 1:27 I Thess. 2:12 Galatians 5:16,25
Principle 5: (vs. 7) Priority of being “rooted and built up IN Him”
Psalm 1:1-3 Psalm 92:13
Principle 6: (vs. 7) “Established In the faith”
II Chronicles 20:20 Psalm 40:1-4 Psalm 12:7-8 Proverbs 12:19 II Thess. 2:13-17
When you are truly ESTABLISHED in the Word you WILL NOT BE MOVED! Psalm 16:8 / 21:7 / 46:5 / 55:22 / 66:1-9 / 112:6 / 121:1-8
Principle 7: (vs. 8) Beware of Satan’s devices….
Satan’s Devices … 1. Philosophy (what people think) 2. Vain Deceit (I am the exception) 3. Tradition of men (not of God) 4. Rudiments of the world (religion) **We will focus on this more next week!!
Close … in verses 9-10, Paul Reminds us of the Preeminence of Christ and that we are complete IN Him … Colossians 2:9-13 1:13-22 Eph. 3:19 / Eph. 1:21 / Titus 3:5
We are not working TO Victory … We are living by faith FROM Victory I Cor. 15: 50-58