Coventry University Faculty of Engineering and Computing
Your Contact Today Phil Southey Course Director for Courses: MSc Supply Chain Management MSc Logistics MSc Engineering Business Management, Tel
University, Faculty & Department Coventry University Engineering & Computing Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Computing & Digital Environment Engineering & Knowledge Management MSc Engineering Mathematics, Statistics & Engineering Science The Build Environment Health & Life Sciences Business, Environment & Society Art & Design
New Engineering & Computing Building
New Style Classrooms Supporting Activity Led Learning
Lanchester Library
The Graduate & CPD Centre Teaching and conference rooms with modern presentation facilities Fully equipped computing rooms Dedicated social space with café bar, games room & lounge areas Quiet study areas
Mode of Study PG Cert 4 modules (60 credits) PG diploma4 modules (60 credits) MScDissertation plus Research methods (50 credits + 10 credits) Semester 1: 4 modules plus Research methods Semester 2: 4 modules Semester 3: Dissertation KH Leuven students will be exempted from 4 modules (to be identified)
Supply Chain Management STUDIED MODULES: Project Dissertation (M99EKM) Study Skills and Research Methods (M04EKM) Quality Management (M29EKM) (Semester 1) Logistics Operations ( M31EKM) (Semester 1) Lean Operations ( M14EKM) (Semester 1) Sustainability and Environmental Management Systems (M68EKM) (Semester 1) EXEMPTED MODULES (CALLED “APL”) Project Management (M28EKM) (Semester 1) Contract Management (M55EKM) (Semester 2) Purchasing Management (M54EKM) (Semester 2) Supply Chain Management (M25EKM) (Semeste1 or 2)
Engineering Business Management Lean Operations (M14EKM) (Semester 1) Supply Chain Management (M25EKM) (Semester 1) Project Management (M28EKM) (Semester 1) Quality Management (M29EKM) (Semester 1) Sustainability and Environmental Management Systems (M68EKM) (Semester 1 or 2) Financial Decision Making and Risk Analysis (M21EKM) (Semester 1 or2) Human Resource Management (M22EKM) (Semester 1 or 2) Engineering Strategy (M69EKM) (Semester 1 or 2) Study Skills and Research Methods (M04EKM) Final Dissertation (M99EKM)
Module Lecture Styles Typically you will receive 1 hour lecture plus 2 hours tutorials for each module 15 hours contact time plus 20 hours self study per week Different lecture styles will be adopted, including: –Traditional lecture –Group work –Case study –Activity led learning –And various others
Assessment - modules –Typically by: –Assignments –Mini tests (during scheduled lectures) –Presentations –Group Work –On line tests –Case studies –Portfolio –And others
Project Dissertation Students identify and investigate a topic/ issue for approx 3 months at the end of taught module period Topic of your choice Must demonstrate a high level of original work Enables the student to ‘show case’ his/her new skills
Coventry University- Post Graduate We are very proud of our students when they graduate with a Coventry University MSc degree WELCOME AND GOOD LUCK!