Charlemagne ruled much of Western Europe from Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne emperor of the Romans in 800.
Charlemagne used the sword to spread Christianity throughout his empire.
Charlemagne forced conquered people to convert to Christianity, and declared that anyone who didn’t get baptized or follow Christian traditions be put to death.
ϾMuhammad, ( ), founded the religion of Islam. ϾEstablished Islam throughout the Arabian Peninsula ϾUsed war as a means to spread Islam
ϾWithin a hundred years of Muhammad's death, Islam had spread from Arabia to Indo-China, Egypt, North Africa, the Middle East, Morocco, Persia & Spain.
ϾMuslims conquered most of Spain from ϾMuslims invaded France ϾMuslims defeated at the Battle of Tours in 732 ϾMuslims were driven out of Spain by 1491
Muslim Spain Ruled by the Moors from North Africa Christians and Jews were accepted and tolerated. Considered “Brothers of the Book” Science, Art, Architecture, Medicine, and Technology thrived and grew in Spain