It’s a material world! Presented by: Group 6 members Navneeth Joshua Ronald Marcus
Plastics How was it discovered? The word plastic comes from the Greek word, plasticos, which means able to be moulded. The first man-made plastic was made by Alexander Parkes in 1862.It was called Parkesine. Parkesine was an organic material derived from cellulose could be shaped once heated Retained its shape when cooled In 1869, John Wesley Hyatt, an American printer and inventor, found that cellulose nitrate could be used as an inexpensive substitute for ivory. The mixture could be plasticized with the addition of camphor, a derivative of the laurel tree. The new celluloid could be molded with heat and pressure into a durable shape..
Plastics What are it’s common properties? Parkes developed a new material which could be used in a solid plastic of fluid state at times rigid like ivory opaque flexible water-resistant colourable could be used for utensils and tools like metals compression moulding laminating
Plastics What are the uses( applications ) of plastic in the past? Celluloid, as this new material was called, became the only plastic of commercial importance for 30 years. It was used for: eyeglass frames Comb billiard balls shirt collars buttons dentures
Plastics What are the uses( applications ) of plastic in the present?