21 November 2014 EU Service contract: Development of a shared data and information system between the EU and the Regional Sea Conventions (phase 1) Meeting.


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Presentation transcript:

21 November 2014 EU Service contract: Development of a shared data and information system between the EU and the Regional Sea Conventions (phase 1) Meeting details Deltares (Netherlands), lead AZTI (Spain ) HCMR (Greece) SYKE (Finland)

Overview of Data Flows For RSC indicators

MSFD –RSC biodiversity indicators: D1/D4 Birds D1/D4-Birds

D1/D4-Mammals/reptiles MSFD –RSC indicators: D1/D4 Mammals/reptiles

D1/D4-Fish/Cephalopods MSFD –RSC indicators: D1/D4 Fish/Cephalopods

D3 – Commercial fish/shellfish MSFD –RSC biodiversity indicators: D3 fish/shellfish

D1/D4 – Pelagic habitats MSFD –RSC indicators: D1/D4 Pelagic Habitats

D1/D4 – Benthic habitats MSFD –RSC indicators: D1/D4 Benthic Habitats

D7 - Hydrographical changes MSFD –RSC indicators: D7 Hydrographical changes

D2 – NIS MSFD –RSC indicators: D2 Non-indigenous species

D5 –Eutrophication MSFD –RSC indicators: D5 Eutrophication

D8/D9 – Contaminants MSFD –RSC indicators: D8/D9Contaminants

D10 - Litter MSFD –RSC indicators: D10 Litter

D11 - Noise MSFD –RSC indicators: D11 Noise

Overview of Data Flows For RSC indicators (detailed, with RSC indicators)

MSFD –RSC biodiversity indicators: D1/D4 Birds MSFD HELCOM OSPAR UNEP/MAP BSC DescriptorsIndicators Core/Precore indicators Status Common/candidate indicators Status Common Indicators Status Indicators Status Indicato r Data flow IndicatorData flow Indicat or Dat a flow Indicato r Data flow D1/D4-Birds Distributional range Species distributional range (Marine mammals, seabirds, marine reptiles) Distributional pattern within the latter, where appropriate Birds-6: Distributional pattern of breeding and non- breeding marine birds Common Population abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate Abundance of waterbirds in the wintering season Core Birds-1: Species-specific trends in relative abundance of non-breeding and breeding marine bird species Common/ operational by Feb 2015 Population abundance (marine mammals, seabirds, marine reptiles, macroalgae, zoobenthos fish) Abundance of waterbirds in the breeding season Core Population demographic characteristics (e.g. body size or age class structure, sex ratio, fecundity rates, survival/mortality rates) White-tailed Eagle productivity Core Birds-5: Mortality of marine birds from fishing (bycatch) and aquaculture Candidate Population demographic characteristics (e.g. body size or age class structure, sex ratio, fecundity rates, survival/mortality rates) Birds-2: Annual breeding success of kittiwake Candidate Birds-3: Breeding success/failure of marine birds Candidate prioritised/ operational by Feb 2015 Bids-4: Non-native/invasive mammal presence on island seabird colonies Candidate Population genetic structure, where appropriate Performance of key predator species using their production per unit biomass (productivity) White-tailed Eagle productivity Core Food web-1: Reproductive success of marine birds in relation to food availability Candidate

MSFD –RSC biodiversity indicators: Could add detailed information for the other indicators, similar to slide 16.