Models for Human Interaction with Mobile Service Robots Helge Hütttenrauch Helge Hüttenrauch
Helge Hüttenrauch Background 1995: Diplom Medieninformatik, Germany - CBT, Multi-Media, Design, CS 1994-’98: Ericsson Business Networks AB - Desktop Videoconferencing - Usability Engineering & Design May’98: Ph.D. Student HMI
Helge Hüttenrauch Robot Project ISR= Intelligent Service Robot Interdisciplinary Research Project:
Helge Hüttenrauch ISR Examples Cleaning and Transportation Robots Assisting Robots in domestic environment Walky PerMobil Husqvarna Nomadics
Helge Hüttenrauch ISR Overview Ambiguous, dynamic environments Mobile platform, possible manipulator Autonomous Operation Multimodal Interaction
Helge Hüttenrauch ISR Research Questions Interaction Modalities: –Direct Manipulation (e.g. buttons, joystick) –Graphical User Interface(s) –Natural Language Interface(s) –Multimodal, e.g. speech & gesture –Character: command and instruct || proactive agent
Helge Hüttenrauch ISR Research Questions II Human-Robot Communication: –User needs, expectations, metaphors –Knowledge representation –Robot instruction & system feedback –Robot as a physical entity –Uncertainty resolving situations –Human-Robot ‘Communicative Acts’
Helge Hüttenrauch ISR Research Questions III Robot Ergonomics (form factor) Robot Safety Robot and Home Automation
Helge Hüttenrauch Research Status AMS Project - Scout Robot: –“Fetch and Carry Robot” –planned: Navigate and deliver office objects –planned: prototype design for GUI –planned: Swedish Natural Language Interface –project start: November 1998 –project end: December 1999
Helge Hüttenrauch Research Status CAS ISR: –“Navigate and Manipulate Robot” –working: Navigation, English Speech IF –needed: planner-module –planned: gesture & speech IF fusion –planned: manipulation of domestic objects
Helge Hüttenrauch Methods planned ‘Buy and Adapt’ Prototyping Iterative Testing with Users Wizard-of Oz studies if technology unavailable & data collection
Helge Hüttenrauch Important Issues CERTEC know-how & experiences in robotics Research feedback and commenting Joint National Robotics Centre for Rehabilitation involvement Co-operation in User testing Future projects