My niece, Mia Marie Jack. She has taught me how to be responsible, how to not be selfish, and many other life long lessons. I <3 her!
English class was very useful to me. It gave me the opportunity to advance my writing skills. I learned how to express myself in deeper thought. I had to learn how to think outside the box rather than guess the obvious.
After being in the magnet aviation program for four years, I have learned that flying airplanes is much more complex than I had thought. My teacher, Mr. Thompson, has been kind, funny, generous, and very patient with us all. I’m going to really miss him!
BCIS has really been a big help. I had chose this class as an elective just so I could learn how to work in the business field. And it’s done just that. I also had a great time here. It has been fun!
This class was fun, ever though our teacher barely came to class. The only downfall to this class was all those hard test. But I had learned a lot in that class.
This would have to be the worst class I had ever taken. I know we always say the teachers don’t teach, but this has to be taken seriously. She never taught and on top of that, she failed us for work she never had given. Well I give her a fat F for her ethics. Ms. George
This has to be one of my favorite classes (not for the pre- calculus part, I hate math!). My teacher was genuinely nice. She would go over the problems time after time until we all finally got it. I’m really going to miss her.
In Oct., some of the seniors got to go on a fieldtrip to Texas A&M University. We had so Much fun that day. It was also the day that I decided I wanted to become a part of the school!!
I’ll miss everyone at Sterling. But we’ll meet again in the long run. So until then, it’s see you later….not goodbye.