Zoom-In Inquiry Who is this scientist and what is he doing?
1. What might be the profession of these two men? 2. What do you think they are looking at?
What do you notice about these scientists? What do they seem to be focused on? Have they reached their objective?
Describe the objects on the table. Who is the primary figure in this picture?
Title: Thomas Edison re-enacts his invention of the electric light bulb as Henry Ford and Francis Jehl look on, October 21,
Comprehension Questions What character traits do you think a scientist needs? Why? How long do you think it takes to make one invention? Why? Think of a problem and an invention to solve that problem? Describe the steps you would take to make this invention. Illustrate your invention. Label the parts. Write a five paragraph essay describing three things your invention will do.
Unknown. (1929). Thomas Edison re-enacts his invention of the electric light bulb as Henry Ford and Francis Jehl look on, October 21,1929. Library of Congress: Research Centers.Thomas Edison re-enacts his invention of the electric light bulb as Henry Ford and Francis Jehl look on, October 21,1929.