Basic Geography
Compass Rose
North North is always at the top of a map If you can read a map north is at the top North 2. What direction does North face on a Map?
East As long as you can read a map north is at the top. East will be on the right. North East 3. Where is EAST located on a map?
South If North is at the top, South is directly opposite of it. South is at the bottom of a map South North East 4. Where is SOUTH located on a map?
West If North is at the top of a map, East is to the right, South is at the bottom. West will be on the left. North East South West 5. What direction is WEST on a map?
6. How to remember… For directional, North, East, South, West –NEVER –EAT –SHREADED –WHEAT Never North EAT East SHREADED South WHEAT West
Longitude / Latitude
Latitude Latitude lines run from east to west. These lines do not move regardless of what happens under them. These lines are measured in degrees starting at the equator which is 0 degrees 7. What are lines of Latitude?
Longitude Longitude lines run North and south These lines also do not move regardless of what happens under them. 8. What are lines of Longitude?
Longitude Longitude is also measured in degrees starting at Greenwich England. East of this line is called East Longitude, west is West longitude. The international date line is 180 degrees east and west longitude.
How to Remember… I remember the rhyme “Lat is flat.” This way I know that latitude lines are the flat ones that you can lay things on and they run east and west. Longitude are the other lines that run from north to south. 9. How do I remember Longitude and Latitude?
The United States North East South West
Mountains East North West South Appalachian Mountains Rocky Mountains
Western Mountains Sierra Nevada Coastal Ranges Rocky Mountains
Major Lakes These are called The Great Lakes
Lake Superior Lake Michigan Lake Huron Lake Erie Lake Ontario
Remember the Great Lakes Use H.O.M.E.S Huron Ontario Michigan Erie Superior 10. How do I remember the Great Lakes?
Western Lakes The Great Salt Lake
Rivers Mississippi River Columbia River Colorado River Missouri River Ohio River Platte R. Arkansas R. Red River Snake R.
Political Regions of the U.S.
Geographical Regions of the U.S. Page 5 in textbook Pacific Coastal Region Columbia Plateau Great Basin Colorado Plateau Rocky Mts Great Plains Gulf Coastal Plains Central Plains Atlantic Coastal Plains Appalachian Highlands
Other Information 7 Continents 4 Hemispheres 5 Oceans
Equator Located at zero degrees latitude and divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
Prime Meridian Located at zero degrees longitude, it divides the Earth into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.