Chapter 5 A Land of Contrasts North America. North America (Total Area)  Canada and the United States rank as two of the largest countries in the world.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 5 A Land of Contrasts North America

North America (Total Area)  Canada and the United States rank as two of the largest countries in the world area wise. 1. Russia 2. Canada 3. United States 4. China 5. Brazil

Natural Resources  Both Canada and the United States are global economic powers because they have a ton of natural resources.  Fertile soils, ample supplies of water, vast forests and large deposits of a variety of minerals. Examples include: coal, copper, iron ore, petroleum, timber, natural gas, lead etc.

Oceans and Waterways  Eight of the world’s largest lakes are on the North American Continent. *The Great Lakes are 5 of them. Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie and Superior.  The Mississippi River goes most of the length of the United States from North to South.

 Canada’s longest river is the Mackenzie River, which empties out into the Arctic Ocean.

Land and Forests  North America is the world’s number one food exporter. This is because the United States and Canada have some of the most fertile soils in the world.  ½ of Canada is covered by woodlands  1/3 of the U.S. is covered by forests Although Canada has more timber, the U.S. has a higher variety of trees.

Energy Resources  The U.S. consumes more energy resources than any other country in the world. Canada supplies the U.S. with a lot of energy resources.

Appalachian Great Plains CanadianShield Rock Mountains East mountain chain Treeless area Rocky, flat area West mountain chain 1,600 miles from Nf to AL 4,000 ft. above sea level Lies far north in Canada Extend 3,000 miles from Alaska to NM Green, Catskill, Blue Ridge and Smoky Mts. Run from Texas up through Canada Covers 18 million sq. miles Line of highest points make Con. Divide 400 million yrs. Old Encircles Hudson Bay 80 million yrs. old

Chapter 5 Section 2 Northern Alaska & N Canada have tundra climate and vegetation. Northern Alaska & N Canada have tundra climate and vegetation. Winters= Long & Cold Winters= Long & Cold Summers= Short & Chilly (Even in July the temperature is 40 degrees F.) Summers= Short & Chilly (Even in July the temperature is 40 degrees F.) The majority of Alaska and Canada fall in the Sub Artic zone The majority of Alaska and Canada fall in the Sub Artic zone

Rocky Mts. & Pacific ranges tend to have a cold climate with sparse vegetation. Rocky Mts. & Pacific ranges tend to have a cold climate with sparse vegetation. North central & northeastern part of the U.S. and southern Canada have a humid continental climate. North central & northeastern part of the U.S. and southern Canada have a humid continental climate. Winters= Cold Winters= Cold Summers= Warm Summers= Warm

South Eastern states of the U.S. have a humid subtropical climate. South Eastern states of the U.S. have a humid subtropical climate. Summers= Hot & Muggy (75 to 90 degrees F). Summers= Hot & Muggy (75 to 90 degrees F). Winters= Mild & Cool Winters= Mild & Cool Southern Cali has a Mediterranean Climate Southern Cali has a Mediterranean Climate Summers= Hot & Dry Summers= Hot & Dry Winters= Mild and Wet Winters= Mild and Wet

Great Plains tend to have a semiarid climate. An overall dry weather. Great Plains tend to have a semiarid climate. An overall dry weather. Some southern states have a very dry climate receiving less than 10 inches of rain in areas. Some southern states have a very dry climate receiving less than 10 inches of rain in areas. Desert areas in this region are the Mojave and Sonoran. Desert areas in this region are the Mojave and Sonoran.

Chapter 5 Section 3  Human-Environment Interaction

Settlement and Agriculture of North America The first inhabitants of North America came from Asia. The first inhabitants of North America came from Asia. Food sources of early settler’s included wild game and plant foods. (Hunters & Gatherers) Food sources of early settler’s included wild game and plant foods. (Hunters & Gatherers) Early farmers cut down trees for lumber to build houses and to burn as fuel. Early farmers cut down trees for lumber to build houses and to burn as fuel.

The first Americans lived along coastlines and near rivers and streams because water was, and is necessary for survival. The first Americans lived along coastlines and near rivers and streams because water was, and is necessary for survival. Landscape, climate, weather and the availability of natural resources also played a role as to where people settled. Landscape, climate, weather and the availability of natural resources also played a role as to where people settled.

Obstacles that early settlers faced when coming to North America included: huge distances, large bodies of water, harsh climates and hazardous landforms. Obstacles that early settlers faced when coming to North America included: huge distances, large bodies of water, harsh climates and hazardous landforms.

Present Canada and U.S. Agriculture is still an important economic activity in the United States and Canada. Both countries are leading exporters of agricultural products. Agriculture is still an important economic activity in the United States and Canada. Both countries are leading exporters of agricultural products. Transportation Systems The United States has the world’s largest railroad system, while Canada has the third largest. The United States has the world’s largest railroad system, while Canada has the third largest. The U.S. has nearly 4 million miles of roads, and Canada has about 560,000 miles of roadways. The U.S. has nearly 4 million miles of roads, and Canada has about 560,000 miles of roadways.

Places & Terms Nomads- people who move from place to place. Nomads- people who move from place to place. Beringia- a land bridge that once connected Siberia and Alaska. Beringia- a land bridge that once connected Siberia and Alaska. Locks- sections of a waterway with closed gates where water levels are raised and lowered. Locks- sections of a waterway with closed gates where water levels are raised and lowered.

U.S Map Instructions Label w/ Blue or Black Pen. Label w/ Blue or Black Pen. Color so that adjacent states are not colored the same color. Color so that adjacent states are not colored the same color.