Philip-Lorca diCoria
About Philip-Lorca diCorcia Born in 1951 Studied at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston Also, Received a Masters in Fine Arts at Yale in 1979 Works in New York and teaches at Yale still
Info. About his style: Known for street shots in urban neighborhoods all around the world Takes everyday life and wants to enhance it through staging to show the beauty and emotion in everyday scenarios Seem to be spontaneous, but actually staged Known for having a “black humor” because of the difference in interpretation by each viewer.
“Hustler,” Brent Booth Darker setting, illumination from other sources Props are important
Family and Friends Subjective look on face Florescent lighting People are the center of focus Diagonal lines from eyes to food and the lines of cabinets in the background
Mario Natural setting Dim Lighting Everyday circumstance
Los Angeles Back view of walking down a street Natural Lighting Subjects in the photo are centered
Hustler, Ike Cole Diagonal Lighting, Dark in the front left and gets lighter to the top right Little to no facial expression
Sources dicorcia.html