Status Report on CATT and FASTNET R. Poirot, VT DEC & R. Husar, CAPITA, 9/29/04 CATT: Combined Aerosol Trajectory Tools FASTNET: Fast Aerosol Sensing Tools for Natural Event Tracking Both are Inter-RPO Projects, Conducted by CAPITA Managed for MANE-VU by: MARAMA (Serpil Kayin, CATT) & NESCAUM (Gary Kleiman, FASTNET)
Status: CATT & FASTNET have been Eaten by DataFed.Net
Within DATAFED.NET, CATT & FASTNET are 2 of many “Projects” which Share Many Common “Datasets” which are Archived & Accessible & can be Viewed, Compared, Exported, Analyzed & Interpreted, using a variety of Web-Based “Applications”
Data Catalog(s) Provide Access to Many: Fast (rapidly available), Current (near-real-time, recently archived & continuing) and Slow (historical data Like IMPROVE Aerosol & ATAD trajectories)
Data Catalogs: Aerosol, Fire, Maps, Meteorology, Emissions, Images, Events
Data Viewer: Open & View Any File in Catalog(s). Many Files Include Time Series, Linked to Map – Point & Click. Zoom Map or Time series, Change Size, Symbols, Variables, Add Layers, Export Data – Copy Paste.
Data Files Accessed & Archived Specifically for FASTNET. Note Varying Start dates ( ), with Most Continuing. VIEWS_CHEM (IMPROVE Aerosol) and ATAD Trajectories (NPS) are currently used in CATT Applications
Start with Kitty: Kitty Large Collection of Projects, Data, Tools. Where’s CATT “Start”?
Change Species or Site Filtering & Data Export Change Sites by Point & Click Kitty Acadia SO4 > 15 ug/m3
1. Start with Kitty to Explore Any Combinations of IMPROVE & ATAD Traj. Data (any/all sites & years). 2. Export CSV file of Selected Data & Copy/Paste into CSV Table Editor and Save for Subsequent Analysis.
1. Change Traj Sort. 2. Plot in Kitty 2. Export file as CSV data. 3. Copy/Paste into File Editor,Save. 4. Open YourFile in TrajAggGrid… Save(d) as: ALLpost99OCge10.csv
Select All Sites and Dates after 1/1/99 if : Organic Carbon >= 10 ug/m3. Fires in the West & Southeast (but not much in MANE-VU) Save CSV file & open in Trajectory Aggregator/Gridder, Weight Traj. by OC Concentration (or not), Normalize (or not) & Plot.
Fine Soil >7.5, post-1999, All Sites & All Months Fine Soil > 7.5, All Years, All Sites, July-Only Western & Asian Dust (Primarily Spring) Eastern Sahara Dust (Primarily Summer)
All US sites, dv >=30 All US sites, SO4 >=15 Areas upwind of all sites for Highest dv = Highest SO4 1.From Kitty, All Locations & YourSpecies >= X (using “Q” button) 3.Export CSV Data (“D” button) & Copy/Paste into CSV File Editor & Submitter: Save as YourFileName.csv 5.To Plot in Trajectory Aggregator & Gridder, substitute YourFileName.csv for ALLDVge30.csv) ge30.csv&value_column=value&scale_max=0.004 All US sites, SO4 >=15 Kitty “How To”, for Review
CATT Future: Add Additional Ensemble Trajectory Metrics “Automatically” update as new Traj & Aerosol data are available (Kristi Gebhart has just updated ATADs for most recent IMPROVE) Add Additional Aerosol (STN) & Trajectory Data (Kristi is Willing to Crank ATADs for Entire STN Network – triple site density)!! Continued Support from MANE-VU, other RPOs(?) & other DataFed.Net Partners (NSF, NASA, EPA, etc.).
DataFed.Net The infrastructure that provides the structured data and tools NSF & NASA FASTNET DataLog The discussion forum and miscellaneous data catalog
Analyst Consoles: Near-Real-Time Data Example: NE Sulfate Episode: 8/27/04 17:00UTCNE Sulfate Episode: 8/27/04 17:00UTC Sulfate in the Northeast Sahara Dust in the Gulf Fires in the Southeast Time Series Console: Southeast
Temporal Scales of Aerosol Events A goal of the FASTNET project is to detect and document natural aerosol events in the context of the overall PM pattern Inherently, aerosol events are spikes in the time series of monitoring but the definition and documentation of events has been highly subjective Temporal variation occurs at many scales from micro scale (minutes) to secular scale (decades) At each scale the variation is dominated different combination of the key processes: emission, transport, transformations and removal Natural aerosol events occur mostly at synoptic scale of 3-5 days
Temporal Signal Decomposition and Event Detection First, the median and average is obtained over a region for each hour/day (thin blue line) Next, the data are temporally smoothed by a 30 day moving window (spatial median - red line; spatial mean – heavy blue line). These determine the seasonal pattern. EUS Daily Average 50%-ile, 30 day 50%-ile smoothing Deviation from %-ile Event : Deviation > x*percentile Average Median Finally, the hourly/daily deviation from the the smooth median is used to determine the noise (blue) and event (red) components
Feb Episode(s) Isolated high PM25 occurs over the Midwest, Northeast and Texas Aerosol patches are evident in AIRNOWPM25, ASOS & Fbext maps The absence of TOMS signal indicates the lack of smoke or dust at high elevation The NAAPS model shows high sulfate east of the Great Lakes, but no biomass smoke Possible event causes: nitrate in the Upper Midwest and Northeast, sulfate around the Great Lakes and dust over Texas
Jul Episode This intensive 3-day episode covers much of the Eastern US The AIRNOW, ASOS and Visibility FBext are all elevated Extremely high MODIS AOT and GASP AOT values cover the East Coast and Gulf Coast The surface winds indicate stagnation over much of the East Coast NAAPS model predicts elevated sulfate throughout the Eastern US. Possible causes: sulfate episode
July 4, 2004 Aerosol Pulse The US-avg. AIRNOW PM25 shows a 3 hr. spike at midnight In the (airport) ASOS the July 4 spike is conspicuously absent Thus, the US spike is due to the urban sites affected by smoke 00:00 04:00 08:00 20:00 AIRNOW PM25 US Hourly Average ASOS Bext US Hourly Average Pulse No Pulse
Mystery Peak over the Great Lake & NE Regions The 30-day smoothing average shows the seasonality by region The Feb/Mar PM25 peak is evident for the Northeast, Great Lakes and Great Plains This secondary peak is absent in the South and West Jul-Aug sulfate peak Feb-Mar mystery peak
Upper Midwest Peak Observed through AIRNOW PM25 surface and POLDER, MISR Satellite Data JAN 97 FEB 97 MAR 97 Dauze et. al, 2001 JAN 04 FEB 04 MAR 04 JAN 04 FEB 04 MAR 04 JAN 04 FEB 04 MAR 04
Aerosol Event CatalogAerosol Event Catalog: Distributed Web pages Aerosol events appear any time and place and analyzed by many organizations. The event info. is encoded, cataloged and accessed through Event Catalog Each ‘event’ is given attributes: location and time of occurrence and aerosol type (dust, smoke, haze, other) This allows graphic browsing of event- related information on maps and calendars and linking the info source, e.g. TNRCC.TNRCC Ideas on the Event Catalog (content, structure, interface, maintenance, etc) are welcome. Browser Links to Distributed Analyst/Data Web page
FASTNET Future: Link various “image data” (photos, satellite, etc.) to “Events”, Add New Data (& Datasets, like RAINS) & Continue Archival, Link New Fast to Old Slow (IMPROVE Aerosol & Traj.) Data, Compare Aerosol/haze indicators to Emissions & Model Data, Automated “Event Detection” & Analysis Methods! Continued Support from MANE-VU, other RPOs(?) & other DataFed.Net Partners (NSF, NASA, EPA, etc.).
Some Bookmarks on DataFed.Net: Data Catalogs: Data Viewer: Data Consoles: Kitty (Aerosol/Trajectory Browser): CSV File Editor & Submitter: Trajectory Aggregator (substitute: YourFileName.csv for ALLDVge30.csv) CATT Incr. Probability: CATT Discussion Pages: FASTNET Discussion Pages: PM Event Detection – Time Series Eastern US Haze Events, for