Today we are going to accomplish the following tasks: 1.) Understand the difference between absolute and relative location. 2.) Identify and define the physical and human characteristics of the United States. 3.) Practice map reading skills.
Normally, you would be assigned these terms for homework, but since this is your first time through, we will do them together. Absolute Location Exact location of a given place, marked by using latitude and longitude Relative Location Estimated location of a given place, location given in relation to another place 5 Great Lakes HOMES – Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior Physical Map Map used to identify physical features (i.e. rivers, lakes, mountains, etc.) Political Map Map used to identify man-made features (i.e. state boundaries, cities, etc.)
Physical Characteristics of the U.S. Great Plains Region (Midwest), Major Rivers (Mississippi, Missouri, Rio Grande), Mountain Ranges (Rockies, Appalachian) Human Characteristics of the U.S. Language, Religion, Customs/Traditions, Values – all of these impact the settlement and development of the United States How did the First Americans come to the United States 1.) Land Bridge connecting Russia and Alaska 2.) European Exploration (Age of Columbus) 3.) Slave Trade with Africa
In your packets there are a series of exercises that will help assess your map reading skills. Please partner up with the person who is sitting behind you. Those of you in the last row, you will be working to the person who is sitting next to you. Your Task: Starting by examining the maps on p. 6 & 7, answer questions on p. 8. you will need to do some math on one of the questions, so you may need a calculator. After you finish the exercise on p. 8, move on to the Latitude and Longitude exercise on p After all work is completed we will review as a class.
On a ½ sheet of paper, please answer the questions below What is the difference between absolute and relative location? Identify one physical and one human characteristic of the United States Please place your ½ sheets on the front desk on your way out!!