Review & evaluation of Center activities and web stats July – December 2003
P2Rx Mission P2rx is a national network of regional centers dedicated to improving the dissemination of pollution prevention information in the service provider community.
P2Rx Goals Serve as the first stop for pollution prevention (P2) information for environmental service providers Increase the awareness, accessibility and usability of P2 information Facilitate dynamic P2 regional networks
How are we meeting these goals?
“First stop” evaluation Weinreich Communications conducting interviews with P2Rx users and nonusers “User satisfaction” surveys submitted to EPA for approval, will be posted on each center’s site Compilation of data should complete by June 2004 Data reviewed at fall admin meeting
“Increase awareness” New table top display for use by P2Rx and every center – March 2004 Regional centers exhibit at regional meetings ongoing P2Rx exhibit at summit, hand out “sticky strips” and post-it pads – April 2004 Travel mugs given for Summit “fun walk” philanthropy – April 2004 Regional baskets provided for Summit “raffle” – April 2004 Brochure inserts being revised – April 2004
What are the next steps for marketing?
“Increase usability of P2 info” Limited usability tests done on P2Rx and Peaks to Prairies Consider formal, more complete usability tests EPA contractor evaluating the PPIN, developing logic model – May 2004 Centers can use model to help focus information efforts
National web products Topic Hubs National P2 Programs Directory Rapid Response P2 News Regional collaborations –Homes Across America –Request for Proposals Database –Mercury Reductions Programs Database
Web product use trends over 6 quarters
Web activity trends over 6 quarters
Top documents viewed (6 centers and P2Rx) topic hub (8% of counted views) industry sectors (6%) program directory (6%) Janitorial (6%) Library (5%) News (5%) alternate fuels for fleet vehicles (4%) Food Processing Resources (4%) Conference info (4%)
Other top pages (3% of counted views) electroplating about us supercritical CO2 cleaning construction guide wood furniture manufacturing Auto repair Fiberglass resources water efficiency
Other top pages (2% or less of counted views) shipbuilding and repair EPP report P2 Technology & Research Air regulations fact sheet dental metal fabrication resources calendar hospital and medical energy conservation rapid response auto body green building paint stripping List serves publications painting ski area RFP clearinghouse offices innovative technologies vendors
Top Referrers None (40%) Google (34%) Yahoo (13%) MSN (6%) Other centers (5%) EPA (2%)
Top search phrases Pollution (17%) Ship building (8%) Metal fabrication (6%) Pollution prevention (6%) Great lakes pollution (5%) Fiberglass fabrication (5%) World map (5%)
More search phrases Supercritical CO2 (4%) Green construction (4%) Residential construction (4%) Furniture manufacturing (4%) Wood furniture (3%) Food processing industry (3%) Copper (3%) Glass cleaning (3%)
What are the next steps to increase usability? Usability testing of web page?Usability testing of web page? Improvements of web delivery?Improvements of web delivery? Increased visibility on search engines?Increased visibility on search engines?
“Dynamic regional P2 networks” Center activities primarily focused in their region Regional list serves, newsletters, calendars, program directories, and conferences are facilitated by most centers
Assistance is primarily provided within Center’s region
Individuals reached by various methods
Client distribution
What are the next steps for networking? P2Tech (other list serves)P2Tech (other list serves) PartneringPartnering NewsNews