Barbara Bush Role Model Political Wife and Mother
1925 – (Born) Rye, New York in June – (Meet) her husband – (Leave) college to marry George Bush – (Get) married in January – (Graduate) husband George Bush from Yale – (Move) to Texas – (Build) business in the oil – (died) Her daughter Robin from leukemia – (Open) Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy 1989 – (Becomes) first lady of the United States – (Develop) Barbara Bush Foundation – (Leave) the White House. Barbara Bush
Young Married Life: After George graduated from Yale after World War II, Barbara and George moved out to Texas to start their life together. George built a business in the oil industry. Barbara and George had six children.: President George W.( former Governor of Texas), Robin, Jeb (Governor of Florida), Neil, Marvin, and Dorothy. Their daughter Robin died of leukemia just before she turned four years old. Her death left Barbara and George Bush with a lifelong compassion. She says, "Because of Robin, George and I love every living human being more."
Entry Into Political Life: Entry Into Political Life: Barbara stood by George as they entered their political life. During their political career, Barbara has had the responsibility of moving and settling her family 29 times during their marriage! Usually she could have things running smoothly in a new home within a week. First George turned to politics and then public service. With Texas as a home base, George Bush served as a member of Congress, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, Chief of the U.S. Liaison Office in the People's Republic of China, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and eventually as Vice President and President of the United States of America.
As a Role Model: Barbara Bush was always an asset to her husband during his campaigns for public office. Her friendly, forthright manner won her high marks from the voters and the press. As wife of the Vice President, she selected the promotion of literacy as her special cause. As First Lady, she called working for a more literate America the "most import issue we have." Involved with many organizations and devoted to this cause, Mrs. Bush served on literacy committees and chaired many reading organizations. Eventually she helped develop the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy. The mission of her foundation is to support the development of family literacy programs, to break the intergenerational cycle of illiteracy, and establish literacy as a value in every American family.