GKR 1053 Design History
Day : Thursday Time : 4 – 7 pm (3 hours credit) Venue: Seminar Room 2, CTF 3 Lecturer : Ms. Salmiah Abdul Hamid Introduction
Synopsis ‘Kursus ini memperkenalkan para pelajar kepada perkembangan sejarah seni reka dalam memberi pemahaman asas tentang perhubungan di antara seni dan seni reka. Di samping itu, kursus ini akan merangkumi perkembangan sejarah seni reka bermula akhir 1800 an sehingga abad ke 21.’ This course introduces students to the development history of design. It encompasses the relationship between art and design. In addition, this course highlights the history development of design from 1800 to Millennium. (Theoretically, other than general history in design, this subject will be be split into different sections; such as History in Industrial Design, Graphic, Textile / Fashion as well as Animation). Introduction
Understand the theory / relevance of theoretical perspectives for design practice. Good designers learn from history. Design principles and visual vocabulary and visual aesthetics. Begin to appreciate and understand the innovations of the past.
To have basic understanding of Design History / era / influential designers around the world. Will be able to make judgments about visual art. Begin to recognize personal style; influential designers; designer’s signature look. To be able to communicate better. Will allow you to manipulate visual forms to attract the right audience for a product, service or brand (by understanding of styles and trends).
Lecture / Discussion / Interaction / Theory Attendance : Compulsory Class Time : On Time (NO LATE COMERS) Class Regulations
Assignment (Group Project)30% Midterm Exam 30% Final Exam40% Evaluation
Learning Units Week 1: Introduction to Design History Week 2: Paleolithic / Neolithic Week 3: Arts & Crafts 1800 – 1900 Week 4 : Art Nouveau / Art Deco Week 5 : Bauhaus / Nazi Week 6 : 60’s / 70’s / 80’s Week 7 : Midterm Exam Week 8 : Midterm Break
Learning Units Week 9: 90’s / Millennium Week 10: Material Culture Studies and Design Histories Week 11: Towards a Cultural History of Design Week 12 : Group Project Presentation Week 13 : Group Project Presentation Week 14 : Group Project Presentation
Raizman, D. (2003). History of Modern Design. London : Laurence King Publishing. Bhaskara, L. (2005). Design of the Times : Using Key Movements and Styles for Contemporary Design. Fallan, K. (2010). Design history : understanding theory and method. New York : Berg Publishers. Pevsner, N. (2005). Pioneers of modern design: From William Morris to Walter Gropius; Revised and expanded edition. London: Yale University Press. Cumming, E. (1991). The arts and crafts movement. New York, N.Y. : Thames & Hudson. References
Next Week’s task Sit according to namelist and rows List of group members (1 group=8-10 students)