Lesson 46 Canada and the U.S.
Check Preview (w. p.) 1. 叶子 n. (pl.) 2. 海狸 n. 3. 鹰 n. 4. 条 n. 5. 国家动物 6. 自由女神像 7. 一条著名的瀑布 8. 尼亚加拉大瀑布 9. 白宫 10. 洛矶山脉 1.leaves 2.beaver 3.eagle 4.stripes 5.national animal 6.the Statue of Liberty 7.a famous waterfall 8.Niagara Falls 9.the White House 10.Rocky Mountains
Canada’s flag It has a red leaf on it.
beaver It’s Canada’s national animal
Niagara Falls CN Tower Rocky Mountains in Canada
the flag of the U.S. It has stars and stripes.
an eagle It’s national animal of the U.S.
the White Housethe Statue of Liberty Hollywood Rocky Mountains
I know about Canada. Country Language( 语言 ) Capital city Location( 位置 ) Flag Interesting places( 名胜 ) Canada English and French Ottawa north of the U.S. red and white a leaf Niagara Falls Rocky Mountains CN Tower
I know about the U.S. Country Language( 语 言 ) Capital city Location( 位置 ) Flag Famous buildings( 著 名建筑 ) the U.S. English Washington D.C. east of China south of Canada red, white and blue stars and stripes the White House the Statue of Liberty Hollywood Rocky Mountains
Tell something about Canada. I know about Canada. This is... They speak …and … in Canada. The capital city of Canada is … Canada is …of the U.S.. Canada’s flag is … It has a... I know some interesting places in Canada. They are …
Tell something about the U.S. I know about the U.S.. This is... They speak … The capital city of the U.S. is … The U.S. is …of China and …of Canada. The flag of the U.S. is … It has …and … I know two famous buildings in the U.S.. They are …
Key Points: 1. 我的妻子围着围巾拿着小刀在大树下面杀了狼。 wife scarf knife leaf wolf 2. 辨析: how much, how many too many, too much, much too,
Practice 完成句子 1. 加拿大的首都是渥太华。 The ______ city ____ Canada is Ottawa. 2. 加拿大在中国东边。 Canada is ______ ____ China. 3. 加拿大的旗子上有一片叶子。 Canada’s _____ ____ a leaf on it. capital of east of flag has
4. 美国的首都是华盛顿特区。 The _______ city ____ the U.S. is Washington, D.C.. 5. 美国在加拿大南边。 The U.S. is ______ ____ Canada. 6. 美国的旗子上有星和条。 The flag of the U.S. ____ _____ _____ ________on it. capital of south of has stars and stripes
Homework 1. 完成同步练习册第 46 课的练习。 2. 你对加拿大和美国有哪些认识和了解,请根据所学内 容任选一个国家,写一篇不少于 60 词的介绍。