Field Instruction in Surface-Water Hydrology – Not a Summer Course Steve Custer Earth Sciences Montana State University Bozeman, MT
Where does field instruction occur? I usually think of –Summer geology field course –Summer hydrogeology field course –Summer hydrology field course BUT -- field instruction can also take place as part of courses during the academic year
What do field exercises in an AY course on hydrology do for the student? Measurement Techniques Direct experience with measurement error Computation Analysis Questioning reported data Encourage critical thinking Operational understanding of hydrologic concepts
ERTH 432 Surface Water Resources Fall Course, Alternate Years 20 students Students work in groups of about three This course is a research class in our core curriculum The course includes traditional laboratory exercises as well
Field Exercises I Graf Park –Peg Test –Precision Level Channel Survey –String Level Channel Survey Slope Particle Size –Channel Mapping –Group Data Sharing –Analysis –Writing
Field Exercises II Field Exercises At Other Locations –Gage House/Recurrence Interval/Bank full –Vertical Velocity Profile –Stream Discharge –Flood Plain Field Trip There are other laboratory exercises on campus after the snow flies.
Graf Park Exercise Questions: –Has the channel changed? (Focus on cross section). –Stream classification Slope, width, depth, bank full stage, sinuosity, particle size –Written report (Group collaboration; Writing; Discussion; Data; Evidence):
Graf Park Study Area Close to Campus N 1 MileCampus Park
Auto-Level Cross Section Survey at +60
String Method of Cross Section Measurement Simple, inexpensive, rapid
Measure Slope – Carpenter Level Also use Tape and hand level on Jacob Staff w/ Stadia Rod
Stream Map – Grid Line Also use tape and compass
Example Student Map. Different groups attached at cross section. Students can compare sinuosity measured by tape with that measured from map.
Example Cross Section from Change in position and in channel area.
Cross sections also allow measurement of Bank-full width Bank-full depth Entrenchment ratio Width/depth ratio
Graf Park Exercise –Measurement Experience –Good Data/Bad Data –Good Reporting/Bad Reporting –Hypothesis testing –Reach a conclusion –Report on experiment
Assess Bank Full Height 80 years Record
Vertical Velocity Profile Stream discharge is measured the following week as well as slope.
Stream Discharge Field Data Can Be Used to Teach Hydraulics If Slope Is Measured Velocity, Depth, Width, Discharge, Slope u d w Q S Compute For Example –Shear Stress –Stream Power Per Unit Length –Stream Power Per Unit Width –Friction (Roughness) –Froude Number
This course has also been done via distance education Master of Science in Science Education Taught to Middle School and High School teachers. Teachers develop exercises where they live. –Same principles discussed for the University Course. –Increases relevance to students and teachers as well (real data from a familiar place).
I do not visit the sites Assessment through discussion, photographs, measurements and computations from field data Reasonableness of the reported data and analysis.