第十一週:過去進行式 文法時間: (a) I sat down at the dinner table at 6:00 P.M. yesterday. Tom came to my house at 6:10 P.M. I was eating dinner when Tom came. (b) I.


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Presentation transcript:

第十一週:過去進行式 文法時間: (a) I sat down at the dinner table at 6:00 P.M. yesterday. Tom came to my house at 6:10 P.M. I was eating dinner when Tom came. (b) I went to bed at 10:00. The phone rang at 11:00. I was sleeping when the phone rang. 過去進行式表示動作在過 去的某個時間,或另一個 動作在進行時,也正在進 行中 ( 出現或發生中 ) 。如 句 (c) ,吃的動作在 6:10 正 進行著;吃的動作在湯姆 來到時,也正進行著。 形式: was, were + V-ing

過去進行式的形式 直述句 {I-She-He-It} was working. {You-We-They} were working. 否定句 {I-She-He-It} was not (wasn’t)working. {You-We-They} were not(wasn’t)working. 疑問句 Was {I-she-he-it} working? Were {you-we-they} working? 簡答 Yes, {I-she-he-it} was. No, {I-she-he-it} wasn’t. Yes, {you-we-they} were. No, {you-we-they} weren’t.

錯誤範例: My favorite sport Every person has his or her favorite sport. The reason differ from person to person. some people like exciting and competitive sports, and some like recreational sports. Out of all those different kinds of sports, my favorite is skiing. I became interested in skiing when I was 12 years old. My parents and I (A) was visiting my aunt in America. She (B) was study at a university at that time. She took us on a ski trip.

It was the first time I had ever seen and felt snow. My mother enrolled me into a four-hour skiing lesson. When my teacher (C) __ teaching me, I paid a lot of attention to it. After the lesson, I was able to (D) roaming around the slopes like a miniature professional skier. The experience was new and wonderful. Ever since then, I have never missed any opportunity to go skiing. The sensation of skiing down the slopes is indescribable. I (E) was always imagining myself to be James Bond getting out of harm’s way.

The adrenaline rush only enhances the sensation, which makes me want to do it over and over again. Due to its sub-tropical weather, it is almost impossible for us to go skiing in Taiwan. However, both Japan and Korea offer excellent snow and slopes for skiing. I am really anticipating my next ski trip.

修改重點: (A) 將 was 改成 were 。因為主詞是複數 ” My parents and I” ,且時態為過去進行式,因此 be 動詞要用 were 。 (B) 將 study 改成 studying 。因為時態是過去進 行式,其形式為 was, were + V-ing 。因此 study 要加上 ing 。 (C) 在 teaching 前加上 be 動詞 was 。由 when 所帶 領的從屬子句時態為過去進行式,且主詞是第 三人稱單數,因此 be 動詞要用 was 。

(D) 將 roaming 改成 roam 。因為 be able to = can , 是為助動詞,後面要接原形動詞,因此此處要 將進行式動詞改成原形動詞。 (E) 將 was 去掉並將 imagining 改成 imagine 。此 句中有頻率副詞 always 因此時太不用進行式, 因為前一句中的主要動詞是現在是 be 動詞 is , 因此要將進行式的動詞 imagining 的 ing 去掉改 成現在式 imagine 。

修改後範例: My favorite sport Every person has his or her favorite sport. The reason differ from person to person. some people like exciting and competitive sports, and some like recreational sports. Out of all those different kinds of sports, my favorite is skiing. I became interested in skiing when I was 12 years old. My parents and I (A) were visiting my aunt in America. She (B) was studying at a university at that time.

She took us on a ski trip. It was the first time I had ever seen and felt snow. My mother enrolled me into a four-hour skiing lesson. When my teacher (C) was teaching me, I paid a lot of attention to it. After the lesson, I was able to (D) roam around the slopes like a miniature professional skier. The experience was new and wonderful. Ever since then, I have never missed any opportunity to go skiing. The sensation of skiing down the slopes is indescribable.

I (E) always imagine myself to be James Bond getting out of harm’s way. The adrenaline rush only enhances the sensation, which makes me want to do it over and over again. Due to its sub-tropical weather, it is almost impossible for us to go skiing in Taiwan. However, both Japan and Korea offer excellent snow and slopes for skiing. I am really anticipating my next ski trip.